Medialender v1: A Personal MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) Stack Project:


Medialender is a responsive full stack web application for an imaginary movie renting / management business. Users can sign-up and access / modify data based on their level of authorization.


Visitor: Can view the movie list but not authorized to see the movie details unless logs in.

Customers: Can sign up via Become a Customer as a Basic or Gold member and can view movie details & rent movies from the list. Customer is also able to see the personal rental history on profile section.

Editors: Can sign up via Become an Editor and edit existing movies or add new movies. However, editor is not authorized to delete them and cannot rent a movie.

Admin: Admin account is set from database only. Admin can view / modify data of all customers, editors, rentals and movies with full authentication.

Main technologies used during development:

Front-end: Built with using ReactJS, along with some handy npm packages. Bootstrap for speeding the CSS work as well as custom hard coded CSS on some areas (example: Responsive Navbar Menu, Loading spinner)

Back-end: Built with using NodeJS and Express, along with some handy npm packages. Database is running on MongoDB Atlas cloud service.


Developed based on Mosh Hamedani's "Vidly" project and added extra features and functionalities. "Vidly" is featured on his "Mastering React" and "The Complete Node.js" courses: