Vehicle Detector

Counting Vehicles Passing line

I have used EfficientDet which is one of the state of the art object detector in whihc vehicles are detected by pretrained coco weights. I have choose this because of using its D1 version, it gives good accuracy with good Fps that means less computational power.

EfficientDets are a family of object detection models, which achieve state-of-the-art 55.1mAP on COCO test-dev, yet being 4x - 9x smaller and using 13x - 42x fewer FLOPs than previous detectors. Our models also run 2x - 4x faster on GPU, and 5x - 11x faster on CPU than other detectors.

I was trying to use Yolo V5 but the output size was turning out big , so I decided with this model as results were similar almost.


The bounding box of the vehicle which is detected , it's centroid is used for the vehicle count if centroid passes through the line , the count will increase.

Here is the output videos :


Go to terminal :


##Future Work I have to optimize it a lot , this is the prototype version only.