
Vusic - Apple Music Web Player made with VueJS

Primary LanguageVue

Vusic - Apple Music Web Player

Made with Vue, Vuex , Vue Router, (Styled with SASS). Powered by Genius, Youtube and Apple MusicKitJS SDK


Hackernews (Show HN)

Reddit (/r/Vue)



  • View all songs, albums, playlists in your library.
  • Add songs to your Library.
  • Search you library.

Apple Music

  • Browse currently popular songs.
  • Search Apple Music catalog.
  • Show recommendations by Apple (For You)
  • Browse Recently played , added and most frequently played items (heavy rotation)
  • like or dislike (rate) a song

Other features

  • Show music video for currently playing song (youtube)
  • Show lyrics for currently playing song


Album View

Library Artists

Playlist View

Music Video and Lyrics

Library Playlists

Options Menu

Queue Items

How to Build

Rename apiKeys.example.js to apiKeys.js and add all the necessary api keys

Api keys example

const keys = {
  appleMusic: {
    developerToken: 'Apple MusicKitJS API Key Goes Here',
    name: 'Vusic',
    build: 'ver1',
    version: 'ver1',
  geniusAccessToken: 'Genius Access Token Goes Here',
  youtubeApiKey: 'Youtube Api Key Goes Here',

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Other Projects like this (inspiration for this project)