Primary LanguageScheme


lisp seems interesting.



# use mit-scheme or chicken scheme compiler

brew install mit-scheme
brew install chicken 

I really appreciate the quote MIT guys put at the end of each interpretation.


./eval.sh <FILE_NAME> # mit-scheme
csi -s <FILE_NAME>    # chicken 


  • I think I can start trying to understand knuth and latex after reading 1.3.4
  • exercise 1.44 is really good
  • "higher-order procedures enhance the power of our language by enabling us to manipulate, and thereby to reason in terms of, general methods of computation" SICP p108
  • "elements is said to be closed under an operation ... We do not use the word “closure” in this second sense in this book." SICP p134
  • THe word nil is a contraction of the Latin word nihil, which means "nothing".
  • exercise 3.20 is good
  • "The fact of concurrent execution, either because the world operates in parallel or because our computers do, entails additional complexity in our understanding of time." SICP p403
  • "Buridan argued that a perfectly rational dog placed between two equally attractive sources of food will starve to death, because it is incapable of deciding which to go to first." SICP p424
  • footnote 19 & 20 on SICP p523,524