
A jQuery plugin to provide a simplified interface for users to specify cron entries

MIT LicenseMIT

jQuery plugin: cron

jquery-cron is a jQuery plugin for presenting a simplified interface for users to specify cron entries.

Check out the jquery-cron website for more information.

This plugin was developed to fulfil the requirements that arose from the BBotUI Project. As such, while we do try to make the implementation as generic as possible, we dare not claim this plugin to be as flexible as one would expect a sensible jQuery plugin to be.

There is much to be done on the flexibility and robustness front, and we welcome contributions and bug fixes. Feel free to fork and send us pull requests!



To use this plugin, one simply needs to load jQuery, jquery-gentleSelect and the JS/CSS scripts for jquery-cron, then attach it an empty <DIV> on DOM ready:

$(document).ready(function() {

For more options, see the jquery-cron website.


Copyright (c) 2010, Shawn Chin.

This project is licensed under the MIT license.