Unofficial repo manifest collections for Xiaomi Mi 6 (sagit)

This branch is for LineageOS


  • Verevka, for device configuration files
  • Resurrection Remix OS Team for their ROMs
  • Xiaomi, Qualcomm, SONY and Samsung etc. for those proprietary libraries and Linux kernel. But still, hope you guys can follow GPL licence and release Mi 6's Linux kernel source. Thanks.


This is the solution I'm currently using. Probably it's wrong but it just works as I expected. Anyone who has some better solution, please tell me in the issue or throw me a pull request.

  1. Set up your building environment

  2. Grab the source code, by these commands:

    repo init -u -b lineage
    repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle -j16
  3. After download finishes, append this: add_lunch_combo lineage_sagit-userdebug to the last line of vendor/cm/,

  4. Run command: cp device/xiaomi/sagit/sagit.xml .repo/local_manifest/

  5. RUN repo sync AGAIN to get Xiaomi's proprietary libraries: repo sync -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle -j16

  6. save and compile as an ordinary LineageOS/RROS build process.