
SEAD bugs import

Primary LanguageJava

SEAD Bugs Import

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Overview | Prerequisites | Installation | Usage | Command-line options | Configuration



To build and run the application you will need:

  • OpenJDK 1.8
  • Maven 3
  • Spring Boot 1.5.20.RELEASE
  • Spring Data JPA
  • PostgreSQL Driver
  • Jackcess - Java Library for MS Access
  • Hibernate
  • H2 in-memory database for running test suite


git clone https://github.com/humlab-sead/sead_bugs_import
cd sead_bugs_import
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

docker run --rm -it sead_bugs_import:latest bash


See wiki How to perform a Bugs Import for a non-technical description of how to import Bugs data into the SEAD database.

java -jar jar_file --file=mbd-file [--importers=..] [--validate-schema]

% wget -d --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT x.y; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0"  https://www.bugscep.com/downloads/bugsdata.zip
% unzip /path/to/file.zip -d temp_for_zip_extract
% java -jar target/bugs.import-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --file=./data/bugsdata_20190503.mdb --importers=Bibliography,Lab


  • --file= - string Bugs MS Access database file to import. (required)
  • --importers= - string Comma separated list of named importers to run, where each item is a simple type name (no namespace) without the "Importer" suffix.
  • --validate-schema - Validate schema (create/update) but do not run.
  • --no-run - Do not run.

Steps to perform a bugs import

  1. Verify configuration
  2. Setup target database (e.g. sead_staging_bugs)
  3. Download and unpack latest bugs database from http://www.bugscep.com, link to file
  4. Run Java application to do an import of downloaded bugs database.
% java -jar target/bugs.import-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --validate-schema
% java -jar target/bugs.import-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --file="./data/bugsdata_yyyymmdd.mdb"
  1. Check flagged events/errors in import lag (ROGER - WHERE EXACTLY?)
  2. Apply manual updates to SEAD records which cannot be fixed through corrections in BugsCEP or by altering import routines/mappings (e.g. where SEAD functionality exheeds Bugs)

Verify configuration

The application uses PostgreSQL as target database in production, and an in-memory database (H2) when running tests. Before your run this application, it would be good to check properties defined in application.properties file.


# spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true

Set xyz to update if target database schema should be updated to conform to the applications data model. Set to none if model is correct, or if changes are handled manually outside of code (which is better). (TODO: Add service that at startup, or when given a flag, generates update ddl similar to using update).

TODO: Move DB specifics to a Spring Boot profile instead (need source code changes @Profile(profile) attribute. (spring.profile.active)

Sample logging configuration:



Setup target database

The application can, for test purposes, be run on an empty database owned by sead_master:

create database sead_staging_bugs_empty owner to sead_master;

When run on an empty database the spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto must be set to update or create. The application will create the schemas (bugs_import and public) upon startup which is useful if you want to do a schema diff between the SEAD schema to the schema expected by the application.

Normally, though, the import should be incremental by using a previously imported target database as the current target. This feature is not tested! The three SQL-scripts that reside in the ./sql folder can be used to setup a new target database based on an existing SEAD database (including data).

Script Note
00_bugs_setup_staging_database.psql Create a new "sead_staging_bug"s database.
01_bugs_import_schema.psql Create the bugs_import schema.
02_setup_bugs_import_value_translations.psql Populates bugs_import schema tables

The commands must be executed as a superuser using e.g. psql or pgAdmin. You might first need to terminate existing processes in the source and (new) target database.




dbhost=`cat ~/.default.sead.server`
dbuser=`cat  ~/.default.sead.username`

dbexec() {
    psql -bqw -h $dbhost -U $dbuser -c "$1" $target_db

kickout() {
    xsql="select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where datname = '$1' and pid <> pg_backend_pid();"
    psql -bqw -h $dbhost -U $dbuser -c "$xsql" "postgres"

apply_crs() {
    for CR in ${items}; do
        echo "Applying ${project}/${CR}..."
        rm -f ${CR}.sql
        wget -q -nv ${REPOSITORY}/${project}/deploy/${CR}.sql --output-document=${CR}.sql
        psql --echo-errors --quiet -h $dbhost -U $dbuser --no-password --file="${CR}.sql" $target_db
        rm -f ${CR}.sql



kickout $target_db
dropdb --echo --if-exists --host=$dbhost --username=$dbuser --no-password "$target_db"

kickout $source_db
createdb --echo --owner=sead_master --host=$dbhost --username=$dbuser --no-password --encoding="UTF8" -T "$source_db" "$target_db"

apply_crs  "bugs" "$BugsCRs"
apply_crs  "general" "$GeneralCRs"

echo "done!"

Download latest bugs database

The latest version of the from Bugs download page e.g. using wget (or a browser):

% wget http://www.bugscep.com/downloads/bugsdata.zip

Unpack the file into a folder that can be accessed by the bugs import application. The path is specified as an command line argument to the import application.


Development using MS Visual Code

Main flow

Significant classes

Import flow

Logging JPA Queries

You can add logging of (beautified) SQL queries to standard out via the following application.properties:


Running tests

The Java Test Runner extension enables running Java tests in vscode. Note that Java by Red Hat and Debugger for Java also must be installed and enabled in the current vscode workspace. You can run individual tests by using the CodeLens Run|Debug commands above the function in the code. You can also run individual tests by rightclicking nodes in the Test Explorer's tree.

Select Java Test Runner as output window, or click Running tests... on activity bar to see output from test ryns.

Tests are also automatically run from command line when e.g. mvn package or mvn test is executed.





  • Wrong DDL type generated for text columns (needs explicit annotation).
  • DDL update drops columns in target table that hasn't been mapped in entity.
  • DDL update drops constraints.