
Test Django project to manage Server and their Client

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Test Django project to manage Server and their Client.


The first thing to do install dependencies

sudo apt-get install postgresql python-dev build-essential postgresql-contrib python-psycopg2

When we can set our clear virtualenv. The path of Django project may be ~/Projects, /opt/, /usr/local/ It's very important to the security of web application.

virtualenv /path/to/venv/  --no-site-packages
source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

You will switch to this virtual environments, but can't have some packages to run Django project. Run the next command to get the packages needed to run our project. All version of package is set in requirements.txt. And you can change it to another if you have any troubles.

pip install -r requirements.txt

When we need to install database backend. In this example I use PostgresSQL database.

sudo su - postgres

createdb django_db

# Role name: django_login
# Pass: django
createuser --username=postgres -SDRP  


You may use another database name and user name, but don't forget to change the settings.py in the project folder in the DATABASES dict.

cd /path/to/venv/
git clone git@github.com:hummermania/csmanager.git
cd csmanager

This clone the project from github. And you can run the develop server

python manage.py syncdb

You will be asked that you don't have any superuser defined. Accept this and enter some superuser name, email and pass. For example: name: root email: root@mail.ru ;-) pass: root

Congratulations!!! You can try to run our developer server

python manage.py runserver

If in the prev step you can't have some errors - you can open the URL http://localhost:8000/ in the browser and see the main page of project. If you see some error - please create new issue in Issue page on this project.

When go to http://localhost:8000/admin/ and use authorisation info what you set in 'syncdb' command. In the admin page you can create some group and user in this group what can login into the admin part. Set for this user permission to enable create, editing and delete "core-client" item. It will allow to some user work on client, and move it from/to another server.