
📱 Kitsu mobile app for iOS and Android

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kitsu Mobile

This is our mobile repository. It contains the Expo (React Native) app.
Check out the tools, web, server and api docs repositories.


Install Node 22 and Ruby 3.3.

Follow the Expo setup guide. Make sure to select your intended platform (iOS or Android), "Development Client" (not "Expo Go"), and uncheck Expo Application Services (EAS), which we only really use for release builds right now.

Remember: this is a cross-platform app, so you can develop with Android on any OS, or iOS on a Mac. If you don't have a Mac, just develop on Android and let us know so we can test your stuff on iOS!

Also, they don't mention it everywhere, but Expo Orbit is a great tool for managing your development environment, especially if you're testing against multiple emulators!

Running it

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run npx expo prebuild to generate the native app code
  4. Run npx expo run:ios or npx expo run:android to start the app in an emulator
    • If you're doing both at the same time, you can run npx expo start to start the Metro bundler, then run the above run:* commands in separate tabs with --no-bundler to skip starting the bundler again for each OS.
    • If you're running on a physical device, you can also pass --device to the run:* commands.

Navigating the Codebase

While Kitsu is an Expo application, it's inherited a lot of cruft from the React Native days. As such, the codebase is structured a bit oddly right now as we work to modernize it.

Entry Point

The application starts at index.js, which pretty much just calls the top level App component and registers it as the root.

Application Source Code

  • src/App.tsx — the main application component, renders the initializer, contexts, and navigator.
  • src/assets/ — static assets like icons, illustrations, and animations imported by the application.
  • src/components/ — common, reusable components
    • src/components/content/ — simple components for rendering content. Generally have minimal interactivity logic, but may navigate or contain other interactive components.
    • src/components/controls/ — interactive components, such as inputs, buttons, checkboxes, switches, etc.
    • src/components/feedback/ — components for providing feedback to the user, such as toasts, modals, and loading spinners. Capitalized until we replace the Feedback component with a more modern solution. Please pretend you do not see it.
  • src/screens/ — components rendering a whole screen in the application.
  • src/navigation/ — the application's navigation setup, including the nested navigators for the main app, onboarding flow, modals, etc.
  • src/contexts/ — React contexts for sharing state between components and initializing said shared state (loading account, loading locale data, etc.)
  • src/initializers/ — imperative code which runs during app boot, such as loading fonts, setting up Android Edge-to-Edge mode, initializing Sentry, etc. Gets wrapped by the Initializer component (which is also our top-level suspense and error boundary).
  • src/graphql/ — GraphQL support code, such as the generated schema types, scalars, and urql exchanges.
  • src/hooks/ — custom react hooks for the application
  • src/locales/ — data for every locale we support (translations, date-fn locales, zxcvbn-ts locales, etc.)
  • src/errors/ — all our error subclasses
  • src/utils/ — non-hook utility functions and classes. Much of this is still legacy code, beware.
  • src/store/ — the legacy Redux store, which we're in the process of replacing with Urql and React Contexts and useState. We still have Redux installed and configured, so if it's helpful you can still refactor an existing set of actions to createSlice and createAsyncThunk, but it's often faster to just ditch it entirely.

Key Libraries


Expo has an excellent guide on debugging that you can use!