Quants Lab is a Python project for quantitative research with Hummingbot. It provides functionalities for fetching historical data, calculating metrics, backtest and generating trading configurations.
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- angonyfox
- BlackArbsCEO
- cardosofede
- ctycerPortland, Oregon
- djehuty9444
- donewiththedollar
- dracpet
- fari494
- garesbil9
- geroalbornoz
- globophobe東海地方
- graceyangfan
- HyeokrealSindbad AI
- Ivanm21
- klpanagi
- lazyquant
- mutalisk999@mutalisk @NJU
- nguyenhieuecViet Nam
- OGDAO332
- qdrivenNowhere
- qian218
- QuantPaul
- qwertymjsBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- sefgit
- stepandraJapan
- tommy-ca
- u20024804
- westonnelson@NFTEarth