JWT in CodeIgniter 3

Step 1

  • Download jwt_helper.php and copy this in application/helpers

Step 2

  • Add jwt_helper in config/autoload.php ($autoload['helper'])

Step 3

  • Implement the following function in a controller to generate the token
	public function token() {
		$jwt = new JWT();

		$JwtSecretKey = 'YourSecretKey';
		$data = array(
			'id' => 1,
			'email' => 'test@mail.com',
			'role' => 'admin'

		$token = $jwt->encode($data, $JwtSecretKey, 'HS256');
		echo $token;

Step 4

  • Implement the following function in a controller to decode the token
	public function decode_token() {
		$token = $this->uri->segment(3);

		$jwt = new JWT();

		$JwtSecretKey = 'YourSecretKey';

		$decoded_token = $jwt->decode($token, $JwtSecretKey, 'HS256');

		// std_object

		// json
		$tokenJSON = $jwt->jsonEncode($decoded_token);
		echo $tokenJSON;

Enjoy :)