
clj-crm is a web application for customer relationship management

Primary LanguageClojure


generated using Luminus version "3.10.35"

clj-crm is a Customer relationship management software, which the primary function is to distribute customers to sales and estimate the credit of each sales based on order data and customer-sales binding time.


  1. In infra directory, there is an Ansible playbook to do the server provisition.

  2. The ETL part of this system uses environment time zone information. Environment time zone need to be GMT+8.

    sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Taipei

REPL-driven development

To run the REPL with dev profile, run:

  lein repl

To start the application state in REPL, run:


so as to invoke the start function defined in env/dev/clj/user.clj

Prepare Datomic database through docker

To prepare the datomic-free database for this web application, run:

  mkdir datomic-data    # used to hold h2 db files
  docker run -d -p 4334-4336:4334-4336 -v $(pwd)/datomic-data:/data --name datomic-free akiel/datomic-free:0.9.5656

To login H2 database (datomic storage backend),

  1. Open web address at localhost:4336
  2. Put jdbc:h2:/data/db/datomic in JDBC URL
  3. User Name and Password defaults are datomic
  4. Login

Database backup & restore

To backup database, run:

bin/datomic -Xmx1g -Xms1g backup-db datomic:free://localhost:4334/clj_crm file:/full/path/to/backup-directory

Note: Backup URIs are per database. You can backup the same database at different points in time to a single backup URI.

Run a production server

  1. Prepare the Datomic url (First time deploy only)
  cd db
  ./provision.sh  # Only the first time setup db needs to run provision.sh 
  tmux new-session -s datomic
  1. Prepare the LAMP url (First time deploy only). The LAMP url is for backend to access the excel files.
  cd $ETL_DIR
  tmux new-session -s upload
  simple-http-upload-server -p 3001
  C-B d
  tmux new-session -s etl
  serve -l 5001
  1. To start a web server for the application, run:
  cd clj-crm
  tmux new-session -s backend
  lein uberjar
  java -Dconf=env/prod/resources/config.edn -Dcors-regex-str=""  -jar target/uberjar/clj-crm.jar -Xmx4g


Copyright © 2019 Laurence Chen