
A port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

  P R O C E S S I N G . J S - @VERSION@
  a port of the Processing visualization language


  License           MIT (see included LICENSE)
  Original Author   John Resig: http://ejohn.org
                    see included AUTHORS file for contributer list

  Web Site          http://processingjs.org  
  Java Version      http://processing.org
  Github Repo.      http://github.com/jeresig/processing-js
  Bug Tracking      http://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com
  Mozilla POW!      http://wiki.Mozilla.org/Education/Projects/ProcessingForTheWeb
  Test Suite        http://processing-js.buildingsky.net

  Maintained by       
    Seneca          http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Processing.js
    Hyper-Metrix    http://hyper-metrix.com/#Processing
    BuildingSky     http://weare.buildingsky.net/pages/processing-js

  Please read the guidelines before pushing your code to the repository. The 
  function(s) you are working on may already be finished and queued for push. 


  Join the development team at irc://irc.mozilla.org/processing.js for more info

  Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program
  images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java
  applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images
  on the HTML5 Canvas element. The code is light-weight, simple to learn and
  makes an ideal tool for visualizing data, creating user-interfaces and
  developing web-based games.

  The Processing language was created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. It evolved
  from ideas explored in the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media
  Lab and was originally intended to be used in a Java run-time environment. In
  the Summer of 2008, John Resig ( inventor of jQuery ), ported the 2D context
  of Processing to Javascript for use in web pages. Much like the native
  language, Processing.js is a community driven project, and continues to grow
  as browser technology advances.


  Processing.js is explicitly developed for and actively tested on browsers that
  support the HTML5 <Canvas> element. Processing.js runs in FireFox, Safari, 
  Chrome and Opera but is not currently supported in Internet Explorer.
  Processing.js aims for 100 percent compatibility across all supported browsers; 
  however, differences between individual canvas implementations may give 
  slightly different results in your sketches.  
  Implementing Processing.js in Flash or Silverlight is not recommended, as Java
  already occupies the browser plug-in space for this library. For users
  wishing to run Processing.js in Silverlight, see Paul Irish's Silverlight
  implementation. Using Internet Explorer Canvas with Processing.js typically
  results in unusable frame-rates for moderately complex visualizations.