

King-Oni opened this issue · 13 comments

I dont know who the hell wrote this hellish unpythonic buggy abomination
THIS is the worst python program I have ever seen
Lucky for you I'll write a better implementation don't ever touch the holy python with your unpythonic hands ever again

@King-Oni you think this is an abomination ?
you might want to take a look at the c++ version, i wrote part of it myself.

const float force = distance_squared < radius* radius ? 1.0F / std::sqrtf(distance_squared) : 0.0F;

how's your better implementation going ?

how's your better implementation going ?

I did make a better version that are made for human consumption, then went to work on another project, and like the Idiot I am I did sudo rm -rf how ironic >:(

Waiting to see the grace of the Pythonic God


im actually on the floor rn

wait, but I can't even run the C++ program because the ofMain.h; ofxGui.h and ofUtils.h don't even exist...

wait, but I can't even run the C++ program because the ofMain.h; ofxGui.h and ofUtils.h don't even exist...

it's a bit annoying how openframeworks work. you need to install the framework and import the project. i think it's described somewhere in the readme.

wait, but I can't even run the C++ program because the ofMain.h; ofxGui.h and ofUtils.h don't even exist...

it's a bit annoying how openframeworks work. you need to install the framework and import the project. i think it's described somewhere in the readme.

Thank you
I've done the things written in the README, but the project doesn't work because it continues to get down when I run main.cpp. When it includes ofMain.h it says that doesn't exist

How is your Python programming going? I can't wait to see some top tier code