
A Puppet module for Google's Go

Primary LanguagePuppet


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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Usage
  4. Dependencies
  5. Development


This is a module that will install Google's Go language for all users.

Module Description

This module installs GO from OS repo (ie. yum or apt) or staright from Google's repo, making it compatbale with any OS that listed on Google's site https://golang.org/doc/install

Please note !!!!!

I have deprecated installing GO from source as it was making Puppet runs way too long. If you want to keep using this feature please use a version of this module that is 1.. As of 2. this feature will no longer be available.


For basic usage:

include golang

To customize the installation please see the examples below. The deafult param is now to install from package!

To install from golang repo as tar.gz:

class {'golang':
  base_dir    => '/usr/local/go',
  from_repo   => true,
  repo_version => 'go1.6',
  goroot      => '$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH',
  workdir     => '/usr/local/',

If you have issues with older versions of wget and Google's certificate you can disable the certificate check like this:

class {'golang':
  base_dir               => '/usr/local/go',
  from_repo              => true,
  repo_version           => 'go1.6',
  goroot                 => '$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH',
  workdir                => '/usr/local/',
  wgetnocheckcertificate => true,

To install from the OS repos (yum or apt)

class {'golang':
  base_dir        => '/usr/local/go',
  from_repo       => false,
  package_version => 'present',
  goroot          => '$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH',
  workdir         => '/usr/local/',

Or all data can be set in Hiera ie golang::base_dir: /usr/local/go


This module needs maestrodev/puppet-wget


Pull request welcome. Just hit me up.