This project created in Everything is text Jam 1. Use game engine libgdx.


Horse management and racing simulation game.

The schedule is given. In the train-day, you can train your horse for improving its speed, stamina and power. In the race-day, your horse will run with rivals and win prize for you. The race's process will show as a text-base animation.

In this demo version, the schedule is designed simply and there is no specific goal of the game. Just shows how the horse's abilities affect the race's process and result.


Desktop: Run desktop-subproject java main.

Web: Online play

How to play

Use mouse click the green textbox which is means a button.

game logic details

  • target-speed & current-speed & acceleration: The target-speed determines by a function of the race-phase and horse status. When target-speed changes, the current-speed will tend to it with an determined acceleration.

  • stamina-point: The stamina-point determines by a function in the start of a race, and is consumed in the process. The consume rate is a function of the current-speed and horse status.

  • run-strategy: Give different coefficients to the target-speed function. For example, the FIRST has large bonus in the starting phases, while the tail has large bonus in the ending phases.

  • sprint: In the sprint phase, the horse will try to use all its remaining stamina-point for a larger target-speed and a longer sprint phase length. It's a good chance for changing the situation.

  • Speed: Mainly affect the target-speed by giving coefficients to the function.

  • Stamina: Mainly affect the stamina-point by giving coefficients to the function.

  • Power: Mainly affect the acceleration by giving coefficients to the function.

demo version tips: There may be something unbalanced with the functions and coefficients, which perhaps makes a run-strategy has too much bonus or a horse status looks useless.

project details

The racing logic is from subproject umamusume-simulation. The management logic is designed for the TextUma project.