
This library provides functions to parse and modify the SDDL format, centered around Active Directory Access Control Lists.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Basic SDDL parsing functionality for AD SDDLs in Go

This library provides functions to parse and modify the SDDL format, centered around Active Directory Access Control Lists (ACLs).


  • Parse SDDL strings into a structured format
  • Modify the structured format
  • Convert the structured format back to SDDL strings
  • Parse SDDL binary data into a structured format
  • Convert the structured format back to SDDL binary data


Given a base64 output from ldapsearch, or a binary format from a library such as Go LDAP, you can parse the binary data into a structured format:

package main

import (
    parser "github.com/huner2/go-sddlparse"

func main() {
    b64 = "base64 encoded SDDL"
    sddl, err := parser.SDDLFromBase64Encoded(b64)
    if err != nil {
    // Do something with the SDDL, such as add a new ACE
    sddl.DACL = append(sddl.DACL, &parser.ACE{
        Type: parser.ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED,
        Flags: 0,
        Mask: parser.ACEMASK_GENERIC_ALL,
        SID: "S-1-5-32-544",

    // Convert the SDDL to binary
    bin, err = sddl.ToBinary()
    if err != nil {

The same can be done with a SDDL string, using SDDLFromString.

An example using the go-ldap library:

package main

import (
    parser "github.com/huner2/go-sddlparse"

func main() {
    conn, err := ldap.DialURL("ldap://")
    if err != nil {
    defer conn.Close()
    err = conn.Bind("testuser@test.test", "testpassword")
    if err != nil {
    searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest(
        ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
    sr, err := conn.Search(searchRequest)
    if err != nil {
    descriptor := sr.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue("nTSecurityDescriptor")
    sddl, err := parser.SDDLFromBinary([]byte(descriptor))
    if err != nil {


This library is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.