
A general image manipulation detection model.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Constrained R-CNN


The official repo for the paper "Constrained R-CNN: A general image manipulation detection model"


Constrained R-CNN is an end-to-end image manipulation detection model, which takes a manipulated image as input, and predicts manipulation techniques classes and pixel-level manipulation localization simultaneously. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, Constrained R-CNN achieves better performance in both manipulation classification and localization. Constrained R-CNN has the following advantages/characteristics:

  1. Learnable: Constrained R-CNN is not utilized any hand-drafted or predetermined features, such as SRM filter, frequency domain characteristics, etc.
  2. Integrity: Constrained R-CNN performs both manipulation classification and localization, two goals of image forensics in the real world.
  3. General: Constrianed R-CNN can detect multiple manipulation techniques, including splice, copy-move, and removal.
  4. Accuracy: Constrianed R-CNN exhibits significant improvements for manipulation localization on multiple datasets.

Constrained R-CNN mainly contains three parts as shown in following figure:

Constrained R-CNN

  1. Learnable Manipulation Feature Extractor (LMFE) The learnable manipulation feature extractor (LMFE) utilizes a constrained convolutional layer to adaptively capture feature manipulation clues ,and then the ResNet-101 learns a unified feature representation of multiple manipulation techniques.

  2. Coarse Manipulation Detection (Stage-1) In Stage-1, the attention region proposal network effectively discriminates manipulated regions. The prediction module performs the manipulation classification and coarse localization on bounding box level.

  3. Fine Manipulation Detection (Stage-2) In Stag-2, the skip structure fuses low-level and high-level information to refine the global manipulation features. Finally, the coarse localization information guides the model to further learn the finer local features and segment out the tampered region.


Constrained R-CNN is written in Tensorflow. Some packages need to be installed.

  • Python 3.6.7,

  • CUDA 8.0.44

  • CUDNN 5.1

Other packages please run requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Build the Cython modules, run the command:

cd lib
make clean
cd ..

For more details, see:


├── cfgs                                                            
├── data                                             # Model Weights
│   ├── CASIA_weights                                # Training on CASIA-2 dataset
│   ├── COVER_weights                                # Training on Coverage dataset
│   ├── imagenet_weights                             # Imagenet weights(ResNet-101)
│   ├── ini_weights_old                              # Training on COCO Synthetic dataset
│   └── NIST_weights                                 # Training on NIST16 dataset
├── Data_preprocessing                               # Data pre-process script
├── dataset                                          # Dateset directory
│   ├── CASIA
│   ├── Columbia
│   └── NIST2016
├── lib                                              # Model
├── test_image
├── tools
│   ├── demo.py
│   ├── test_net.py
│   └── trainval_net.py
├── train_faster_rcnn.sh
├── requirements.txt
├── test_faster_rcnn.sh
├── Demo.ipynb                                       # Demo

Model weights

We provide model weights trained on multiple datasets. You can download here, and put them into data folder as shown in directory tree.

Data Pre-processing

Constrained R-CNN needs manipulation techniques classes , bounding box coordinates and ground truth mask for training. We extract the bounding box from the ground truth mask. For different datasets, the pre-processing is slightly different:

Dateset Class Label GT Mask Pre-process
CASIA Authentic, Tamper N 1. Generate groundtruth mask
2. Extract bounding box
3. Split training and testing set
COVER Authentic, Tamper Y 1. Extract bounding box from mask
2. Split training and testing set
Columbia Authentic, Tamper Y 1. Extract bounding box from mask
2. All images for testing
NIST2016 Splice, Copy-move, Removal Y 1. Extract bounding box from mask
2. Split training and testing set

For more details, please see the scripts in the Data preprocessing folder:



If you only want to test Constrained R-CNN simply, please download the repo and play with the provided ipython notebook.



If you want to retrain the Constrained R-CNN, please follow this process:

Pre-trained model (Only Stage-1)

The pre-training process is similar to RGB-N.
We also provide the pre-trained model weights (Only Stage-1) in /data/ini_weight_old/.

1.Download COCO synthetic dataset (https://github.com/pengzhou1108/RGB-N)
2.Change the coco synthetic path in lib/datasets/factory.py:

coco_path= #FIXME
for split in ['coco_train_filter_single', 'coco_test_filter_single']:
    name = split
    __sets[name] = (lambda split=split: coco(split,2007,coco_path))

3.Specify the ImageNet resnet101 model path in train_faster_rcnn.sh :

        python3 ./tools/trainval_net.py \
            --weight ./imagenet_weights/res101.ckpt \ #ImageNet resnet101 model path
            --imdb ${TRAIN_IMDB} \
            --imdbval ${TEST_IMDB} \
            --iters ${ITERS} \
            --cfg cfgs/${NET}.yml \
            --net ${NET} \

4.Specify the dataset, gpu, and network in train_faster_rcnn.sh and run the file:

./train_faster_rcnn.sh 0 coco res101_cbam EXP_DIR coco_flip_cbam

5.Test pre-trained model

Check the model path match well with NET_FINAL in test_faster_rcnn.sh, making sure the checkpoint iteration ITERS exist in model output path. Otherwise, change it as you needed.


Run test_faster_rcnn.sh. If things go correcty, it should print out MAP and save tamper.txt and tamper.png indicating the detection result and PR curve.

./test_faster_rcnn.sh 0 coco res101_cbam EXP_DIR coco_flip_cbam

Training on Standard Datasets (Entire model)

The weights we have trained are stored in data. If you want to retrain Constrained R-CNN, please follow the process:

  1. Data pre-process as before mentioned.
  2. Change the dataset path in lib/datasets/factory.py, such as:
nist_path='../dataset/NIST2016'    #dataset path
for split in ['dist_NIST_train_new_2', 'dist_NIST_test_new_2']:
    name = split
    __sets[name] = (lambda split=split: nist(split,2007,nist_path))

3.Specify the pre-trained model path in train_faster_rcnn.sh:

        python3 ./tools/trainval_net.py \
            --weight ./ini_weights_old/res101_cbam_faster_rcnn_iter_110000.ckpt \ #COCO synthetic dataset pre-trained model path
            --imdb ${TRAIN_IMDB} \
            --imdbval ${TEST_IMDB} \
            --iters ${ITERS} \
            --cfg cfgs/${NET}.yml \
            --net ${NET} \

4.Specify the dataset, gpu, and network in train_faster_rcnn.sh as below as run the file

./train_faster_rcnn.sh 0 NIST res101_C3-R-cbam EXP_DIR NIST_flip_C3RCBAM


  1. Check the model path match well with NET_FINAL in test_faster_rcnn.sh, making sure the checkpoint iteration ITERS exist in model output path. Otherwise, change it as you needed.
  1. Run test_faster_rcnn.sh. If things go correcty, it should print out F1 score and AUC indicating the detection result.
./test_faster_rcnn.sh 0 NIST res101_C3-R-cbam EXP_DIR NIST_flip_C3RCBAM


If this model is helpful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title = {Constrained R-CNN: A general image manipulation detection model},
  author = {Yang, Chao and Li, Huizhou and Lin, Fangting and Jiang, Bin and Zhao, Hao},
  booktitle = {ICME},
  year = {2020},