
FiC Control library for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC

FiC Library 2

FiC library2 by nyacom kzh@nyacom.net

The library inspirated by original ficlib by hunga-san.

NOTE: Due to support both mk1 and mk2 boards, API names has changed (Remove bitwidth from API calls).

Table of contents


To build ficlib2, you should do for preparation on your Raspbian.

sudo apt install gcc make python3-dev

then make clean && make at ficlib2 directory.

make clean && make

after compilation, you will get ficlib2 and pyficlib2.so

pyficlib2.so is a python binding version of ficlib2. (please refer pyficlibtest.py for an example.)


General functions

int fic_gpio_open()

  • Open GPIO and creates LOCKFILE
  • return is LOCKFILE fd
  • return -1 is error

int fic_gpio_close(int fd_lock)

  • Close GPIO and removes LOCKFILE
  • return -1 is error

int fic_power()

  • Probe PW_OK signal from FiC board

int fic_done()

  • Probe DONE singal from FPGA

int fic_comm_reset()

  • Reset FiC I/O interface

FiC FPGA programmer functions

size_t fic_prog_sm16(uint8_t *data, size_t size, enum PROG_MODE pm, size_t *tx)

  • Program FiC FPGA by SelectMap x16 mode
  • PROG_MODE is reset PROG_NORMAL or PROG_PR (Partial reconfiguration)
  • Progress can observe by *tx
  • return == -1 is error

size_t fic_prog_sm8(uint8_t *data, size_t size, enum PROG_MODE pm, size_t *tx)

  • Program FiC FPGA by SelectMap x8 mode
  • PROG_MODE is reset PROG_NORMAL or PROG_PR (Partial reconfiguration)
  • Progress can observe by *tx
  • return == -1 is error

void fic_prog_init()

  • Invoke FPGA init (Reset FPGA)

FiC General Read Write I/F functions

Note: The interface available after FiCSW FPGA programmed.

int fic_write(uint16_t addr, uint16_t data)

  • Write single byte data via fic 4bit interface.
  • return -1 is error.

int fic_read(uint16_t addr)

  • Read single byte from addr to *buf via fic 8bit interface.
  • return -1 is error.

FiC HLS module communication functions

Note: The interface available after FiCSW FPGA programmed.

void fic_hls_reset()

  • Send reset HLS reset command

void fic_hls_start()

  • Send reset HLS start command

int fic_hls_send(uint8_t *data, size_t count)

  • Send size bytes of *data to the HLS module via 4bit interface
  • All data is masked with 0x0f (so that only lower 4bit is valid)
  • return -1 is error

int fic_hls_receive(uint8_t *buf, size_t count)

  • Receive size bytes of *data from HLS module via 4bit interface
  • return -1 and buf == NULL is error.

int fic_hls_ddr_write(uint8_t *data, size_t size, uint32_t addr)

  • Write to data to DDR module
  • Size and addr must be aligned to 4B (32bit)

int fic_hls_ddr_read(uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint32_t addr);

  • Read data from DDR module
  • Size and addr must be aligned to 4B (32bit)

Python bindings

pyficlib2 is a python bindings of ficlib2.


Import pyficlib like below

import pyficlib2 as fic

-- do something --




  • Wrap function of fic_gpio_open()


  • Wrap function of fic_gpio_close()

prog_sm16(data=bytes, progmode=int)

  • Wrap funcion of fic_prog_sm16
  • progmode = 0 is Normal FPGA prog mode
  • progmode = 1 is Normal PR FPGA prog mode
  • return is transfered bytes

prog_sm8(data=bytes, progmode=int)

  • Wrap funcion of fic_prog_sm8
  • progmode = 0 is Normal FPGA prog mode
  • progmode = 1 is Normal PR FPGA prog mode
  • return is transfered bytes


  • Get trasnfered byte while prog_sm16 or prog_sm8


  • Wrap function of fic_prog_init
  • Init FPGA and erase configuration


  • Wrap function of fic_read
  • addr is 16bit address value
  • return is single 8bit or 16bit value at addr

fic_write(addr=int, data=data)

  • Wrap function of fic_write
  • addr is 16bit address value
  • data is data value


  • Wrap function of fic_hls_reset
  • Send HLS reset CMD


  • Wrap function of fic_hls_start4
  • Send HLS start CMD via 4bit I/F


  • Wrap function of fic_hls_send
  • data is python bytes


  • Wrap function of fic_hls_receive
  • Read count of data from HLS module
  • Return is bytes


What is the lockfile?

To prevent confilicted GPIO manupulation, the library uses LOCKFILE to prevent confliction. This file will be creating /tmp/gpio.lock


What is this?

An alternative ficprog utility using libfic2.

You can configure FPGA on RPi3 like follows:

nyacom@m2fic12:~/project/fic/libfic2$ ./pyficprog.py -h
usage: pyficprog.py [-h] [-m [{8,16}]] [-pr] bitfile

positional arguments:
  bitfile               FPGA configuration *.bit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m [{8,16}], --mode [{8,16}]
                        Select map mode
  -pr, --partial        Partial reconfigure mode

nyacom@m2fic12:~/project/fic/libfic2$ ./pyficprog.py -m16 ../fpga/mk2virt4x4/fic_top_sm16.bin

 pyficprog FiC FPGA configuration utility       /\/\
 by nyacom 2019 (C) <kzh@nyacom.net>          =(____)=

INFO: Program mode: Selectmap 16
INFO: Partial mode: False
INFO: Open file ../fpga/mk2virt4x4/fic_top_sm16.bin
INFO: Bitstream is loaded 48251520B
INFO: RP_CFSEL is set for FiC Mark2 board
INFO: RP_CFSEL is set for FiC Mark2 board
Transfer 5217302 / 48251520 [10.81 %]
Transfer 11549474 / 48251520 [23.94 %]
Transfer 17871662 / 48251520 [37.04 %]
Transfer 24191372 / 48251520 [50.14 %]
Transfer 30519058 / 48251520 [63.25 %]
Transfer 36846288 / 48251520 [76.36 %]
Transfer 43177604 / 48251520 [89.48 %]
DEBUG: Waiting for RP_DONE
INFO: FPGA configuration done