Elasticsearch and Spring Data

  1. https://stackjava.com/elasticsearch/code-vi-du-spring-boot-spring-data-elasticsearch-elasticsearchtemplate-elasticsearchrepository.html
  2. https://kreuzwerker.de/blog/elastic-search-as-a-structured-search-provider
  3. Elasticsearch for java developer
  4. Elasticsearch hello world example
  5. 10 Tips to Become a Better Java Developer in 2018

Unit test & Integration Test

  1. https://dzone.com/articles/unit-and-integration-tests-in-spring-boot-2
  2. http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Mockito/article.html

Query DSL tutorial

  1. http://www.querydsl.com/static/querydsl/4.1.3/reference/html_single/#d0e196
  2. http://blog.mysema.com/2010/07/querying-hibernate-with-querydsl.html
  3. https://github.com/querydsl/apt-maven-plugin
  4. http://www.querydsl.com/
  5. https://www.petrikainulainen.net/programming/spring-framework/spring-data-jpa-tutorial-part-five-querydsl/

Best article have to read for java dev

  1. http://mariusz.wyszomierski.pl/en/mapping-dozer-vs-mapstruct/
  2. https://www.baeldung.com/java-microbenchmark-harness
  3. https://www.baeldung.com/java-performance-mapping-frameworks
  4. https://grokonez.com/spring-framework/spring-data/spring-boot-angular-6-example-spring-data-rest-postgresql-example
  5. Kafka elasticsearch logstash
  6. Introduce microservice
  7. Java 8 date time to java.util.Date and vice versa
  8. Spring boot startup Event
  9. Elasticsearch Filter and Query
  10. Spring data elasticsearch example
  11. Spring elasticsearch data pretty format
  12. Java cheatsheet

Best article about logback and spring boot

  1. https://dzone.com/articles/configuring-logback-with-spring-boot
  2. Spring performance logging
  3. Best source code need to learn
  4. Spring tips

Spring cloud and spring boot usage

  1. Usage to implement Spring boot and Spring Cloud
  2. Faster development with Spring boot devtools

Java Article

  1. New Programming Jargon
  2. Why field injection is evil
  3. project lombok boilerplate buster
  4. Setter injection versus constructor injection and the use of required
  5. http://cs-fundamentals.com/java-programming/java-comments-javadoc-single-multi-line.php
  6. https://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/reasons-tips-and-tricks-for-better-java-documentation/
  7. Spring boot profile
  8. Microservices and exception handling in Java with Feign and reflection
  9. how to debug integration test
  10. Piotrminkowski
  11. How to deploy mysql with docker compose?
  12. Spring boot rest api error handling
  13. Atomikos Spring integration
  14. jpa-caching-with-hazelcast-hibernate-and-spring-boot
  15. Hazelcast compatibility matrix
  16. Hazelcast management 3.10 need read before implement
  17. Spring integration for Dropwizard Metrics
  18. RESTful APIs versioning
  19. Spring git information
  20. Maven git commit id plugin
  21. Bealdung-should-read
  22. How to enable cors on spring boot
  23. Bitnami docker compose
  24. Best Topic to learn consul and spring cloud
  25. User Guide to implement spring cloud microservice
  26. Distributed Configuration with Consul
  27. Config server consul to reload properties
  28. Spring boot - swagger - consul
  29. Spring cloud stream with kafka
  30. Spring Kafka
  31. Javadoc codeing standard
  32. Docker-springboot-container-tutorial
  33. https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2018/10/zero-downtime-rolling-updates-kubernetes.html
  34. https://stackjava.com/uncategorized/cron-expression-la-gi-huong-dan-cu-phap-cron-expression.html
  35. sonarqube-scanning-in-15-minutes-2
  36. Alibaba java coding guidelines
  37. Model mapping
  38. Java concurrency tutorial