
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build a koa app from scratch

  1. Hello world (done)

  2. First routing ("/", "/about) with koa-router (done)

  3. Templating with Marko (done)

  4. Auto restart nodemon (done)

  5. Auto reload: livereload/browser sync (implemented, not work)

  6. Integrate Front-end framework: (done) React http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tutorial.html bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/components/

  7. load rooms from database (done)

  8. try server side rendering try out https://github.com/GriddleGriddle/Griddle

  9. try out https://github.com/rackt/react-router

  10. Token Base Authenticate (done)

  11. Add to cart issue: remove from cart does not work

  12. using redux