- c0rychuUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- CharleshJh
- costoxffTaiwan
- ergs0204
- featherchenNational Taiwan University
- fish3223
- htyangs
- hungchun0201National Taiwan University, Electrical Engineering
- imfulee
- itsalicelee@zeabur
- j09188
- jminglee
- Joshua0209National Taiwan University
- LH104729
- MasterLeeeeeeeee33887
- MisawaiNational Taiwan Normal University
- MrEast1203
- ntubrian@Rytass
- OfflinersNational Taiwan University
- orange2120National Taiwan University
- Paleolupus
- ShiritaiNTU CSIE
- slimon0216
- smarthercules
- soyccanCSIE, National Taiwan University
- titusjgr
- tohow06Arizona
- Twilightenment0711
- ujkuoUniversity of Chicago
- vectoministMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- Xiphity
- yihenglin0516
- yuanchiachang
- yuhsinchan
- YYLIZHChia-Yi, Taiwan