
Serpent OS Build Tool

Primary LanguageD


This repository contains the boulder tool, which is used to produce .stone binary packages from a stone.yml source definition file.


boulder (and its own dependencies) depends on a couple of system libraries and development headers, including (in fedora package names format):

  • cmake, meson and ninja
  • libcurl and libcurl-devel
  • libzstd and libzstd-devel
  • xxhash-libs and xxhash-devel
  • moss (build prior to building boulder)
  • moss-container (build after moss and prior to boulding boulder)


Remember to add the --recurse-submodule argument (for serpent-style commit hook, update-format.sh and editorconfig settings).


meson --prefix=/usr build/
meson compile -C build/
sudo ninja install -C build/


sudo boulder build stone.yml