
To develop a document that establishes rules for creating, maintaining and updating NENA code repositories.

NENA Repository Policy Project

NENA Interface Specification Working Group

NENA Data Structures Committee

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A project to develop a document that establishes rules for creating, maintaining and updating NENA code repositories.

NENA workgroups are increasingly making use of code repositories (“repo” or “repos”) to publish API definitions and schemas. However, this is done informally, and there are no rules governing management of these repos.

Management of a repo is different from management of normal standards development deliverables. However, our standards development deliverables produce content that is committed to a repo. One immediate need for rules is a procedure for contributing to the repo; while a standard (like i3) may output a normative API definition with a major release, there needs to be a procedure to be able to make small changes to the definition between releases, such as bugfixes or proposed features.

As a secondary issue, it is also proposed to maintain NENA registries in a repository. This document may set rules for that as well.

This is a work in progress and may contain errors and may never be published.


Brandon Abley, NENA (babley@nena.org)

Dan Mongrain, Motorola Solutions (dan.mongrain@motorolasolutions.com)