
Crowdfunding contract

Primary LanguageSolidity

ICO Crowdfunding contract V1


This smart contract is a representation of a completely decentralized crowdfunding protocol, aiming to provide a safe and fair distribution of tokens and ETH during an ICO process. The idea behind is the implementation of a faster, easier, more efficient and more secure way for how to raise funds in order to kickstart your blockchain project.

How it works ?

The fundraiser deploys the contract with the following args:

  • _tokenInstance - the address of the token that's beeing sold
  • _tokenDecimals - the decimals of the same token
  • _uniswapv2Router - UniswapV2 Router
  • _uniswapv2Factory - UniswapV2 Factory
  • _burnToken - burn or refund the unsold tokens option
  • _isWhitelist - Whitelist option

The fundraiser initiates the Pool options:

  • _saleRate - Token amount for paying 1 ETH on ICO.
  • _listingRate - Token amount for paying 1 ETH on Uniswap.
  • _startTime - The starting time of the sale. (Timestamp).
  • _endTime - The ending time of the sale. (Timestamp).
  • _hardCap - The fundraising goal.
  • _softCap - The minimum raised amount of ETH required for ICO to be successful.
  • _maxBuy - Maximum amount that an eligible user can contribute to the ICO.
  • _minBuy - Minimum amount that an eligible user can contribute to the ICO.
  • _liquidityPortion - Percent of the funds raised in this sale that will be used as liquidity on Uniswap. (Must be at least 30).

The fundraiser deposits the tokens to the pool

After the tokens are deposited users can buy by sending ETH to the contract address

  • If the sale requirements are passed, they will receive tokens based on their ETH contribution.
  • If not the EVM will revert the transaction.

If the HC is reached:

  • The fundraiser finishes the sale. By doing this the contract will automatically enable users to claim tokens, provide liquidity to Uniswap, pay the platform fees and withdrawal the funds.

If the SC is reached and sale expires:

  • The fundraiser finishes the sale. By doing this the contract will automatically enable users to claim tokens, provide liquidity to Uniswap, pay the platform fees and withdrawal the funds.
  • The remaining tokens will either be burnt or refunded to the fundraiser (Depending on the chosen option).

If the sale is canceled:

  • The fundraiser withdrawals the deposited tokens to the contract. The user are now eligible to refund their ETH contribution.

If the sale fails to reach SC:

  • The fundraiser withdrawals the deposited tokens to the contract. The user are now eligible to refund their ETH contribution.


  • Completely decentralized ICO Protocol.
  • Whitelist functionality.
  • Liquidity automatically added upon finalization.

Technologies used:

  • Solidity
  • Hardhat
  • EthersJS
  • solhint


constructor - deploys contract with the passed args

initSale - owner choses Pool option

fallback function - allows users to contribute only when the sale is active and requirements are passed

deposit - called by the owner to deposit the required token amount for the presale into the contract.

cancelSale - allows the owner to cancel the sale and start a refund process

buyTokens - used to buy tokens based on the msg value if requirements are passed

claimTokens - called by users for claiming the tokens

refund - called by users for refunding their contribution upon sale failure

withrawTokens - called by owner to withdraw the deposited tokens upon sale failure

finishSale - called by owner when the fundrasing requirements are met, once called - liquidity is provided, users can claim, fees are paid to the platform and owner can withdraw the raised ETH.

_checkSaleRequirements - on call, checks whether the requirements are met or not (presale is active, user is whitelisted, caps are met, sale is initialized and tokens are deposited)


  • The uploaded test includes every possible scenario, detailed tests on all functions one by one are not included.