
This is a simple template project Reactjs and Nextjs. It is included front-end and back-end

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  1. Install Nodejs click here
  2. Heroku account click here if you want to deploy with heroku
  3. Amazon account click here if you want to deploy with amazon
  4. Install PostgreSQL click here if you want to use postgresql database

Use for development

1: git clone git@github.com:hunghkit/reactjs-starter.git
2: cd reactjs-starter
3: yarn install or npm install
4: Add ENV: cp .env.example .env

5.1: Run front-end and back-end in a terminal: yarn dev or npm run dev
5.2: Seperate front-end and back-end
5.2.1: Run front-end: yarn fe or npm run fe
5.2.1: Run back-end: yarn be or npm run be

Preview build project

1: Build project: yarn build or npm run build
2: Start peview: yarn start or npm start

Deployment with heroku

  • Setup:
1. `heroku create $APP_NAME`
2. `heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs`
  • Deploy:
1. Deploy from master branch: git push heroku master
2. Deploy from other branch: git push heroku yourbanch:master


  1. Config project reactjs 16.8.1 and nextjs
  2. Use scss with node-sass
  3. Renderserver via nextjs
  4. Deploy with heroku
  5. Integrate redux
  6. Integrate redux-form
  7. JWT in server
  8. Example with REST

Licence: MIT