
DocumentKHH is a website used to lookup, track, manage, store documents and reduce paper at Hue university of sciences.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DocumentKHH is a website used to lookup, track, manage, store documents and reduce paper at Hue university of sciences.

Table of contents


  • React
  • Ant Design
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Styled Components
  • Socket.io
  • Libraries such as React Router Dom ...


  • Login with Role
  • Register
  • Look up and Filter
  • Forward Document
  • Read Document
  • List of Receiver Documents
  • List of Sent Documents
  • Issue Official Document
  • Store Draft Document
  • Revoked Document
  • Restore Archived Document
  • Send Request to Publisher


Setup Locally

  1. Create file .envand the format should be as given in .env.example.
  2. Run command npm instal or yarn install
  3. Run commnad npm start or yarn start