My personal blog

Just a small personal blog on GitHub pages.


  • Publish an article
  • Article comments
  • Set labels for article
  • Search for aticle
  • Like an article or comment
  • API. It can output 'json' format information. Using methods are at the bottom of README.
  • Issue Filter. You can filter your issues by creator or issue state (open or close). Multi-creator filtering is currently not supported.

You can publish your article in Github issues page, just click 'New issue'.

The comments feature is referenced by Gitment. I borrowed its css and rewrite the js doc.

You can set labels for each article in Github issues page.

How to Start

Get this repo

  • You can Fork or clone repo gitblog.Then you can customize by yourself.
  • The details of implementing can be found in repo gitblog.
  • How to use Github API Repos API.
