
Demo for image captioning

Primary LanguagePython

Image captioning demo

1. Model Introduction - BLIP:

Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training (BLIP) model, a powerful tool for unified vision-language understanding and generation. This model utilizes a combination of pre-training techniques, including bootstrapping and self-supervised learning, to bridge the gap between image and language processing. With its ability to understand and generate both visual and textual data, the BLIP model has achieved state-of-the-art performance on many vision-language tasks. BLIP Image Captioning Results

2. System design

Image Captioning System design

a. Frontend

  • User will upload images using frontend. From here, images will be sent to backend API to generate captions.
  • Streamlit is used to design the interface. Also, images will be size limited 10MB for each file and only images file type are allowed (.png, .jpg, .jpeg). Frontend UI

b. Backend

  • API info.

    • Method: POST
    • URL: http://{api_hostname}:{api_port}/api/{api_version}/generate_captions
    • Content Type: multipart/form-data
    • Response Type: text/json
    • Body structure:
    Parameters Datatypes Mandatory Description
    filenames List[string] True List of image filenames
    images List[BinaryFile] True List of images (binary)
  • Description: After receiving filenames and images from frontend, it will create an images dict. Then a Torch dataloader will be created for the inference model. Model will take this dataloader and then produce corresponding captions. Filenames and captions will be packed in a dict that has the below structure.

            "filename": filename1,
            "caption": caption1,

c. Database

Database design

This database will store images and their metadata, captions after processing by the model. There are two tables: Runs and Images. Table Runs will store each run information (date create, model configurations, time execution) for further analysis. Table Images will store information about the corresponding images (filename, generated captions, etc.)

3. Codebase structure:

Following the above system design, codebase is organized based on the function of each module.

4. Installation:

Look through .env file to change anything if you need before setting up things


  • Python 3.9
  • Docker Compose 2.12


cd database/
docker compose --env-file ../.env  up -d --force-recreate

API & Client

Install required Python libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the API server, currently, API is running at port 8082

cd api/
sh run_server.sh

Running the client server, currently, client is running at port 8080

cd client/
sh run_client.sh

5. Customize

  • All of enviroment variables are stored in .env file.
  • Model configuration is saved in api/configs/custom_BLIP_captioning.yml