Classification and Object Detection XAI methods (CAM-based, backpropagation-based, perturbation-based, statistic-based) for thyroid cancer ultrasound images
- Arun-KaushikResearch Scholar, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- bluehenglee
- DEVA2516
- dgochenourReal-Time Innovations
- dingchangwei1234
- dubeyakshat07Robert Koch Institute
- fang798
- fpt-hungntt
- gyw001
- hannah-taylorr
- hungcq3
- hungnttUniversity of New Brunswick
- hyaihjq
- Jack313153
- jaylee2001
- KhangNguyen69
- khanhnguyenuetVietnam
- lileitechUniversity of Southampton
- luoxue1219
- manhdan226
- NTPac
- OctAg0nOoctagono
- olaola203
- qideng7
- queman
- Ram-lankada
- rittikadeb
- Shifumi123
- ShubhamSureshPatilStanford Medical Center
- SimiPixelFAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- thuhienng
- topicmodelingio
- ToTheHien
- Yajie-Zhang
- zainebbkMorocco
- zhuhanjiao96