
Package to use Laravel on AWS Lambda with Bref

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Bref Laravel Bridge

Run Laravel on AWS Lambda with Bref.

Read the Bref documentation for Laravel to get started.


This package was originally created by CacheWerk (the creators of Relay), maintained by Till Krüss and George Boot. It was published at cachewerk/bref-laravel-bridge.

For Bref 2.0, the contributors joined the Bref organization and CacheWerk's bridge was merged into this repository to create v2.0 of the bridge.


First, be sure to familiarize yourself with Bref and its guide to Serverless Laravel applications.

Next, install the package and publish the custom Bref runtime:

composer require bref/laravel-bridge

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=serverless-config

This will create the serverless.yml config file.

Finally, deploy your app:

serverless deploy

When running in AWS Lambda, the Laravel application will automatically cache its configuration when booting. You don't need to run php artisan config:cache before deploying.

You can deploy to different environments (aka "stages") by using the --stage option:

serverless deploy --stage=staging

Check out some more comprehensive examples.


If you want to run the HTTP application with Laravel Octane, you will to change the following options in the web function:

        handler: Bref\LaravelBridge\Http\OctaneHandler
            BREF_LOOP_MAX: 250
            - ${bref:layer.php-81}
        # ...

Laravel Queues

If you want to run Laravel Queues, you will need to add a queue function to serverless.yml:

        handler: Bref\LaravelBridge\Queue\QueueHandler
        timeout: 59 # in seconds
            - ${bref:layer.php-81}
            -   sqs:
                    arn: !GetAtt Queue.Arn
                    batchSize: 1
                    maximumBatchingWindow: 60


Serving static assets

If you want to serve some static assets from your app's public directory, you can use the ServeStaticAssets middleware.

First, publish the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bref-config

Then define the files you want to serve in bref.assets.

Lastly tell Bref to support binary responses on your web function:

    handler: public/index.php

Persistent database sessions

If you're using PostgreSQL 9.6 or newer, you can take advantage of persistent database sessions.

First set idle_in_transaction_session_timeout either in your RDS database's parameter group, or on a specific database itself.

ALTER DATABASE SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = '10000' -- 10 seconds in ms

Lastly, set the OCTANE_PERSIST_DATABASE_SESSIONS environment variable.

    handler: Bref\LaravelBridge\Http\OctaneHandler
      BREF_LOOP_MAX: 250

JSON logs

If you want all CloudWatch log entries to be JSON objects (for example because you want to ingest those logs in other systems), you can edit config/logging.php to set the channels.stderr.formatter to Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter::class.

File storage

When running on Lambda, the filesystem is temporary and not shared between instances. If you want to use the Filesystem API, you will need to use the s3 adapter to store files on AWS S3.

To do this, set FILESYSTEM_DISK: s3 either in serverless.yml or your production .env file and configure the S3 bucket to use in config/filesystems.php.


Artisan Console

Just like with Bref, you may execute console commands.

vendor/bin/bref cli <service>-<stage>-cli -- route:list

vendor/bin/bref cli example-staging-cli -- route:list

Maintenance mode

Similar to the php artisan down command, you may put your app into maintenance mode. All that's required is setting the MAINTENANCE_MODE environment variable:

    MAINTENANCE_MODE: ${param:maintenance, null}

You can then quickly put all functions into maintenance without running a full build and CloudFormation deploy:

serverless deploy function --function=web --update-config --param="maintenance=1"
serverless deploy function --function=cli --update-config --param="maintenance=1"
serverless deploy function --function=queue --update-config --param="maintenance=1"

To take your app out of maintenance mode, simply omit the parameter:

serverless deploy function --function=web --update-config
serverless deploy function --function=cli --update-config
serverless deploy function --function=queue --update-config

One caveat with the --update-config flag is that it doesn't do objects in environment variables in the serverless.yml:

    SQS_QUEUE: ${self:service}-${sls:stage}    # good
    SQS_QUEUE: !Ref QueueName                  # bad
    SQS_QUEUE:                                 # bad
      Ref: QueueName