Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture
- 2
- 3
Error compiling this for linux
#78 opened by Yorisoft - 4
Flutter web doesn't build
#76 opened by wolkenschieber - 12
Support for web and desktop app
#37 opened by hungps - 8
Images not fetching for web support.
#70 opened by moulibheemaneti - 2
Usecases is not used?
#69 opened by lienminhquang - 1
[Question] Location Widget
#68 opened by stillie - 4
Option for Dark Theme
#42 opened by abhi-shek2000 - 1
Feature: Dynamic titles for screens
#60 opened by 0x1026 - 1
Create custom error classes
#64 opened by cadrianxyz - 0
Turn util files into a few libraries
#63 opened by cadrianxyz - 0
Do cleaning using dart best practices
#62 opened by cadrianxyz - 0
Migrate from riverpod to flutter_bloc
#50 opened by hungps - 4
Migrating to null safety
#36 opened by hungps - 1
There's a bug
#44 opened by 0x1026 - 3
- 2
Eternal progress indicator
#34 opened by jsmartinezn - 2
Changing from Pokemon images to another images
#41 opened by lukmanul96 - 2
Weird snapping back when scrolling up in main page
#20 opened by ivnsch - 0
Moving to the Android embedding v2
#30 opened by hungps - 0
Refactor code
#13 opened by hungps - 2
- 9
Weird Graphics Glitches
#24 opened by devilAPI - 3
Pixel Overflow on Main page
#12 opened by jitinder - 4
- 3
Integration with existing Pokemon DB/APIs
#17 opened by jitinder - 1
How did you get your pokemon.json file?
#9 opened by JCMartell - 4
F-Droid inclusion
#8 opened by Poussinou - 4
Add more pokemons
#3 opened by balvinderz - 5
Does home silver works now?
#2 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
Request to Add licence
#1 opened by maheshwari-1153