How do we deploy the infrastructure in this repo?


  1. Install Terraform version 1.1.4 and Terragrunt version v0.36.0 or newer
  2. Configure our AWS credentials using one of the supported authenticationmechanisms.
  3. Fill in our AWS Account ID's in {environment}/env.hcl.

Deploying a single module

  1. cd into the module's folder (e.g. cd dev/ap-southeast-1/vpc).
  2. Run terragrunt plan to see the changes we're about to apply.
  3. If the plan looks good, run terragrunt apply.

Deploying all modules in a region

  1. cd into the region folder (e.g. cd dev).
  2. Run terragrunt run-all plan to see all the changes we're about to apply.
  3. If the plan looks good, run terragrunt run-all apply.

How is the code in this repo organized?

The code in this repo uses the following folder hierarchy:

 └ _global
 └ region
    └ resource


  • Environment: At the top level are each of our environment that associated with a specific AWS accounts, such as dev, qa, stg, prd... etc.

  • Region: Within each environment, there will be one or more AWS regions, such as us-east-1, eu-west-1, and ap-southeast-2, where we've deployed resources and implement Dissater Recovery solution. There may also be a _global folder that defines resources that are available across all the environments in this AWS region, such as Route 53 A records, SNS topics, and ECR repos...

  • Resource: Within each environment, we deploy all the resources for that environment, such as EC2 Instances, Auto Scaling Groups, ECS Clusters, Databases, Load Balancers, and so on.

Organization level variables

In the situation where we have multiple AWS accounts or regions, we often have to pass common variables down to each of our modules. Rather than copy/pasting the same variables into each terragrunt.hcl file, in every region, and in every environment, we can inherit them from the inputs defined in the root terragrunt.hcl file.


Develop production-graded modules for wide range of AWS services.


  • AWS OpenSearch
  • EC2 Image Builder
  • Auto Scaling Group

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