Line chatGPT


ChatGPT is now available on Line! With this integration, you can talk to ChatGPT directly from your Line app. Plus, you can also use UpOCR to send images to ChatGPT, giving it additional context to generate even better responses.


Askup Persona Feature

Our chatbot now has a new feature that allows users to set its persona using three different comments:


  • To check the current persona of the chatbot, type "persona?".
  • To set a new persona for the chatbot, type "persona: new persona", where "new persona" is the new persona you want to set. For example, "persona: friendly".
  • To reset the persona of the chatbot to its default state, type "persona reset". By changing the persona of the chatbot, you can make it behave in different ways depending on your preferences. Give it a try!

Add AskUp @Line

Just click this and add AskUp as your Line Friend. Then, kust talk. If you are in group, invite Askup and please start with @askup to talk to AskUp. (There is no way to tag a bot in Line.)


User Agreement

  1. Liability: We don't guarantee the reliability of this system and are not liable for any damages arising from its use.
  2. Content: When you mention AskUp, the messages and images in the thread will be analyzed by Upstage and OpenAI for service improvement purposes. You own the content but grant Upstage and OpenAI a license to use it.
  3. By using AskUp, you agree to these terms.

Monthly Credit

It's free for 100 chats.

Comments and/or Suggestions

Feel free to leave comments and suggestions in the issue.