Typescript GraphQL React App w/ Express | TGRStack

Development and Production Ready |⸰| VSCode Extensions|⸰| Dockers for CI/CD

Known Vulnerabilities

TypeScript React Jest ApolloClient WebPack Node

TSLint TS-Jest

NPS friendly Commitizen friendly Semver friendly

ExpressServer ApolloServer


Expose all the knobs |⸰| As lean as a racehorse can get |⸰| Fork and keep as an upstream, then create your own endpoints

The skeleton-tgr-app-express is an express server that loads a React App. This skeleton demonstrates building a server and client in a single 'fullstack' repo. This is especially useful for developing horizontally scaling webservices with Docker. It is a combination of the work done in a react-app skeleton and an express-endpoint skeleton.

The point of view prioritized is app development with very rare changes to anything outside

  1. the express service is based on typescript-apollo-endpoint
  2. the react app is based on typescript-graphql-react-app
  3. webpack compiles the app and server, and then express serves the app
  4. the server and app are similarly structured with a stack.ts, config, and middleware

TGR Packages (npm - @tgrx)

  "dependencies": {
    "@tgrx/apollo-link-state": "0.4.3",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@tgrx/tslint-config-tgr": "5.0.0", # TGR tslint settings for minimial clutter

Upgrading your Skeleton from an upstream

Github Documentation

Initial Setup

  1. First, clone this repo to your local machine
  2. Change the remote name git remote rename origin upstream
  3. Create a new repository in github/gitlab
  4. Add the new remote git remote add origin <your-new-address>


When updates for the upstream are available, merge them into your skeleton

git pull upstream master
# Handle merge conflicts if necessary
git commit # commit the changes if necessary
git push origin master

Developing a TS-Service

After you've cloned this repo and ran npm i -D, do the following:

in your terminal:

$ nps
# Starts the development environment w/ watch-rebuilds for client & server

Commands - READ THIS

Check out the shortcuts at /scripts/shortcuts.js like nps lf or nps c

* nps                   # Executes the module, watching for rebuilds.
* nps help              # Displays all available commands
* nps commit            # Creates a commit, don't use `git commit -m ...`
* nps build             # Builds the module
* nps lint              # Lint checks the module
* nps test              # Test checks the module



  • 🚀 ES2018+ support syntax that is stage-3 or later in the TC39 process.
  • 🎛 Preconfigured to support development and optimized production builds
  • 🎶 typescript incremental returns reducing development bugs
  • 📻 apollo-client w/ link-state instead of react-redux
  • 🌐 express-server loose downstream of TGRstack/skeleton-ts-service


  • 🐉 React 16+
  • 👾 HMR reloads the Changed Code w/o refreshing the entire page


Whatever your component styling method is all projects need a way of doing some s?css.

  • 🌅 typings-for-css-modules-loader replaces 'css-loader' for webpack
  • 🎠 typings-for-css-modules-loader generates d.ts for css files
  • 🌇 sass-loader adds vars, imports, heirarchies to css.


  • 🚦 tslint configured for strict, consistent, code style
  • 🚦 ts-prettier for some of that code-consistancy that's missing from tslint
  • 🚦 SonarTS Static code analyzer detects bugs and suspicious patterns


  • 🎭 jest as the test framework.
  • 🎭 ts-jest configured to test TS files, uses tsconfig.jest.json, and skip babel.
  • 🎭 enzyme makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse components.
  • 🎭 react-testing-library maintainable tests that avoid impl. details.
  • 🎭 jest-dom patterns for dom testing, compat w/ react-testing-library.

Build (w/ Webpack)

  • 📦 All source is bundled using Webpack v4
  • 🌟 webpack for dev, prod, common
  • 🚦 ts-loader for compiling typescript
  • 🚦 webpack-graphql-loader for separating gql from ts files
  • 💦 babel-loader for additional polyfills (browser support)
  • 😎 HappyPack for ts-loader
  • 🤖 code chunking for better production performance
  • 🤖 Vendor.js for better developer experience
  • 🤖 Vendor DLL for better performance
  • 🎄 Tree-shaking
  • 👻 DotEnv w/ friendly features docs: DotEnv
  • ⛷ Module Aliasing docs: Module Aliasing
  • terser-webpack-plugin instead of uglifyJS


  • 🎮 nps npm scripts w/o a bloated package.json and limits of json docs: NPS.
  • 🙌 commitizen to help us generate beautifully formatted and consistent commit messages.
  • 😹 cz-emoji is a plugin for commitizen that adds emoji to the commit template.
  • 🏆 standard-version is a replacement for npm version with automatic CHANGELOG generation
  • commitlint validates commit messages to follow commitizen patterns

Getting started

To use the starter-kit to build your own ts-module run these commands:

git clone https://github.com/TGRstack/typescript-graphql-react-app-express my-project
cd my-project
rm -rf .git && git init
# nps c # for nps commit instead of running git commit
git commit -m "INIT'd w/ TGRstack/typescript-graphql-react-app-express@SHA4985"
npm install
nps test

Open package.json and reset following fields:

- name
- version ( It is recommended to start from 1.0.0 )
- description
- repository.url
- author
- license ( use whatever you want )

Now go make some changes to src/app/index.ts to see the tooling in action.

SRC structure

Everything in this source directory is typescript, built by webpack and compiled into /build

├── app/
│   ├── index.tsx             # app entry point (webpack client build)
│   ├── index.template.html   # client entry point (express html served)
│   ├── assets/               # static files
│   ├── components/
│   ├── config/               # client config
│   ├── gql/                  # replaces redux
│   ├── middleware/
│   ├── modules/              # first-party modules (co-developed)
│   │   └── some-lib          # pre-cursor to extracting to a standalone module
│   ├── root/                 # global definitions
│   │   ├── application.tsx
│   │   ├── stack.tsx
│   │   ├── global.scss
│   │   └── theme.scss
│   ├── routes/               # each route can have multiple viewports
│   ├── types/                # appp ts modules, common, interfaces
│   └── utils/                # useful functions
└── server/
    ├── index.ts              # build/service entry point
    ├── stack.ts              # import service & middlewares
    ├── __tests__/            # tests for stack.ts
    ├── config/               # server configs and vars
    ├── middlewares/          # third-party HOC functionality (apollo, loggers, routers)
    ├── modules/              # first-party modules (co-developed)
    │   └── some-lib          # pre-cursor to extracting to a standalone module
    ├── service/              # service initialization (express, apollo, storybook)
    ├── types/                # server ts modules, common, interfaces
    └── utils/                # useful functions




Webpack is configured to use a DotEnv plugin and uses DotEnv files in specific ways.

  1. Everything in .env.example is considered a required .env field (compiler complains)
  2. .env.development will be used if .env is missing
  3. In production just use .env, this is ignored by git (as it should be!)


Module aliases are defined in 2 places because of an issue w/ tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin

  • Aliasing for typescript, ts-node, ts-jest, the IDE are defined in tsconfig.json as expected.
  • Since the webpack plugin isn't working, aliases are duplicated in ./webpack/config.js.

Any changes to one requires a change to the other!


node-package-scripts removes the limitation of package.json enabling Javascript and //comments.

To change scripts modify /scripts/ and use nps <command> instead of npm run <command>. The entry point for nps is ./package-scripts.js which routes to scripts/index.js which routes to the friendlier scripts/__index.js.


Where are all the files in my IDE?

You must be using vscode! I have configured vscode workspace settings to hide everything from the filebrowser that you're unlikely to touch in day-to-day development.

Many files are still accessible through search (ctrl+p), such as the ./vscode/settings.json file where you can comment/uncomment my decisions and make everything your own.

P.S. you may like the tgrstack snippets extension since its formatted following the linting preferneces here.