Smart Sensor Starter

Actions Status License


Demo URL


  • Use of GitHub actions CI/CD pipeline
  • Grid layout
  • Tag & favorite filter
  • Dark / light mode
  • CSS variables, SCSS & BEM for styling
  • 100, 100, 100, 100, (100) score on Google Lighthouse


1. Install Gridsome CLI tool if you don't have already

npm install --global @gridsome/cli

2. Install starter

  1. gridsome create my-gridsome-site
  2. cd my-gridsome-site to open folder
  3. gridsome develop to start local dev server at http://localhost:8080

Setup GitHub Pages deploy

Note: By default GitHub Pages deploy isn't active.

GitHub Pages deploy needs two secrets to be set properly: Your mail address: EMAIL and your GitHub token: GH_PAGES_TOKEN.

As mail address you can simply use your commit email address on GitHub

Find documentation how to generate personal access tokens here.

Finally you should have the following secrets available in your project:

Project secrets

Developement support

Skip media downloads

Fetching all data, especially all media content takes a while. Why not skip media downloads if you have saved all files locally already? Nothing could be easier. Just change DOWNLOAD_MEDIA=true in your local .env file to some other value.

Verify your local build

If you want to verify your local build you can easily mount your dist folder into a nginx container. Note: Leave base dir blank if you want to run your site in root context.

docker run --rm --name nginx-stage -p 8080:80 -v ${PWD}/dist/:/usr/share/nginx/html/smart-sensor-starter:ro -d nginx:latest

Afterwards visit http://localhost:8080/smart-sensor-starter