
A mobile, desktop and website App with the same code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A mobile, desktop and website App with the same code

Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

This project shows how the source code can be architectured to run on multiple devices. As of now, it is able to run as:

  • an iOS App (based on react-native)
  • a Desktop App (based on NW)
  • a Website App in any browser (based on react)


Mobile App

Mobile App

Desktop App

Desktop App

Website App

Website App


This project uses libraries and tools like:

  • es6 syntax and babel
  • react for the Website App and Desktop App,
  • react-native for the iOS App
  • NW to package the Desktop App
  • flux to organize the data flow management
  • css-loader to integrate the styles in the builds
  • grunt to create the builds
  • webpack to help during the development phase with hot reloading

Basic philosophy

All the code is contained in the src directory, especially the 2 main entry files that are used for the builds:

  • index.ios.js is the one used to build the iOS App
  • index.js is the one used to build the Website App and Desktop App as the code is strictly the same.

Flux architecture actions/stores

All the flux architecture is share to 100% to all the different builds. This means that all the logic and data management code is done only once and reuse everywhere. This allows us to have an easy tests suite as well and to ensure that our code is working properly on all the devices.


The real interest of the project is in how the components have been structured to shared most of their logic and only redefined what is specific to every device.

Basically, every component has a main Class which inherits a base Class containing all the logic. Then, the main component import a different Render function which has been selected during the build. The file extension .ios.js or .js is used by the build tool to import only the right file.

At the end, every component is defined by 4 files. If we look at the screen component, here is its structure.

  |-> ScreenBase.js
  |-> ScreenRender.ios.js (used during iOS build)
  |-> ScreenRender.js  (used during Website and Desktop build)

And here is the main Class file which composes the files.

'use strict';

import Base from './ScreenBase';
import Render from './ScreenRender';

export default class Screen extends Base {
  constructor (props) {

  render () {
    return Render.call(this, this.props, this.state);

What's next

Here are some thoughts about what can come next:

  • Make the Website App Isomorphic/Universal

Thank you Robert for your awesome design

I want to thank Robert O'Dowd who kindly authorized me the reuse his very beautiful design. The original design made by Robert was part of his project called "Simplifycation" visible here.

How to build/run the projects

General requirements before running any specific project

  • npm install to install all the dependencies, React and React Native among others.

With some versions of npm (<v3.3.8)

React-native and the first versions of npm v3 did not cooperate well together. Then, if you are using an old version of npm (inferior to v3.3.8) as global, the best way to install the project is to install npm v3.X locally and use this freshly installed npm to install the other packages.

  • npm install npm@3 to install npm v3.X locally
  • node_modules/npm/cli.js install to install all the dependencies, React and React Native among others

The iOS App

Requirements for React Native

  • OS X - This repo only contains the iOS (7+) implementation right now, and Xcode only runs on Mac.
  • Xcode 6.3 or higher is recommended.
  • Homebrew is the recommended way to install node, watchman, and flow.
  • brew install node
  • brew install watchman. We recommend installing watchman, otherwise you might hit a node file watching bug.
  • brew install flow. If you want to use flow.

Quick start

  • Open iosApp.xcodeproj and hit run in Xcode.
  • Hit cmd+R in your iOS simulator to reload the app and see your change!

Congratulations! You've just successfully run the project as an iOS App.

The Website App

Requirements for React

There isn't any addtional requirements since you already installed the deps with npm install.

Quick start

Congratulations! You've just successfully run the project as a Website App.

The Desktop App

Requirements for NW

To run the project, you are supposed to run something like:

/path/to/nw .

On OSX, the executable binary is in a hidden directory within the .app file. The easier solution to install it is to downlaod the app on http://nwjs.io/ then copying it to your application folder. You will now be able to run:

/Applications/nwjs.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs .

You can also setup an alias to call the binary.

alias nw="/Applications/nwjs.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs"

Quick start

  • grunt build to build the project (at least the first time)
  • grunt serve-nw to launch the desktop app and enable livereload

Congratulations! You've just successfully run the project as a Desktop App.

Run the tests

To run the tests, simply run:

npm test
