
zsh plugin for installing and loading exa

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GitHub pre-commit Release


zsh plugin for installing and loading exa

Table of content

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Supported Operating system

List of Operating System currently supported by the plugin:

  • 🐧 Linux
    • x86_64
  • 🍎 Darwin
    • x86_64


Once the plugin installed, exa will be available

Bundle zsh-exa in your .zshrc

antigen bundle ptavares/zsh-exa

Load zsh-exa as a plugin in your .zshrc

zplug "ptavares/zsh-exa"

Include the load command in your .zshrc

zget load ptavares/zsh-exa

Clone zsh-exa into your custom plugins repo and load as a plugin in your .zshrc

git clone https://github.com/ptavares/zsh-exa.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-exa

Keep in mind that plugins need to be added before oh-my-zsh.sh is sourced.

  • Manually

Clone this repository somewhere (~/.zsh-exa for example) and source it in your .zshrc

git clone https://github.com/ptavares/zsh-exa ~/.zsh-exa
source ~/.zsh-exa/zsh-exa.plugin.zsh

Aliases set up by plugin

Here is the list of aliases available through this plugin:

Alias Command
ll exa -lbF --git
la exa -lbhHigmuSa --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale
lx exa -lbhHigmuSa@ --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale
llt exa -l --git --tree
lt exa --tree --level=2
llm exa -lbGF --git --sort=modified
lld exa -lbhHFGmuSa --group-directories-first

Updating exa

The plugin comes with a zsh function to update exa manually

# From zsh shell
