TypographyHelper ================ This is a Ruby copy of Django's Typogrify filters: <http://code.google.com/p/typogrify/> Widont was coined by Shaun Inman: <http://shauninman.com/archive/2006/08/22/widont_wordpress_plugin> widont_single is taken from <http://mucur.name/posts/widon-t-and-smartypants-helpers-for-rails> Also uses RubyPants Gems <http://chneukirchen.org/blog/static/projects/rubypants.html> originally SmartyPants by John Gruber <http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/> A set of filters to provide typographical hooks to Rails views. Basically a Ruby port of the Typogrify template filters for Django. I don't know much about Typography, but I do know that curly quotes look better than straight ones, that HTML entities look better than plain-text, and that Django users shouldn't have all the fun. Included filters (filter name in parentheses): * Widon't (*widont* also *widont_single* for one-line transformations) * RubyPants (*rubypants* requires rubypants gem) * Initial quotes wrapped in class='dquo' or class='quo' depending on if they are single or double (*initial_quotes*) * Ampersands wrapped in class='amp' (*amp*) * Multiple adjacent capital letters wrapped in class='caps' (*caps*) * A do-all filter (*rubyshirt*) * A do-all filter (*rubyoutfit* aliased as *t* to keep views clean) that runs *rubypants* and *rubyshirt* in that order * A do-all filter that includes *rubyoutfit* and Rail's *h* function (*th*) **To get it**, navigate to your Rails root directory **To use it**, simply add the appropriate function name before your <%= %> output (e.g. change <%= @article %> to <%= rubyshirt @article %>) svn co https://typography-helper.googlecode.com/svn/rails/trunk/ vendor/plugins/typography_helper If you have any suggestions or comments, let me know <luke@mrturtle.com>
Set of small filters to facilitate better typography in Rails views. Based of typogrify and includes widon't and quotes. (svn import)