
Spatial Alignment of Ensemble Precipitation

Primary LanguageFortran

1. Required packages/libraries

  • MPI
  • Gfortran
  • ecCodes (Version 2.27.0), for GRIB I/O
  • NetCDF

2. Build program

  • Set the paths of ecCodes and NetCDF in 'buildit_mpi' (Already set)
  • Execute 'buildit_mpi' in the 'build' directory in the project

3. Run program

  • Command line : ${path_of_program}/ensalign ${YYYYMMDDHH} ${fhr} ${input_file_path}
  • Command line (with MPI): mpirun -np ${number_of_processors} ${path_of_program}/ensalign ${YYYYMMDDHH} ${fhr} ${input_file_path}

4. Output file

4.1) command line to read the header of output file

  • ncdump -h ${filename}

4.2) variables

  • ensfcst(nmembers, y, x) : Each member's original preicipitation field from ensemble system
  • ensshffcst(nshfpass, nmembers, y, x) : Each member's aligned precipitation field
  • shiftvec_u(nshfpass, nmembers, y, x), shiftvec_v(nshfpass, nmembers, y, x) : Each member's shift vector fields
  • ensmean(y, x) : Ensemble mean of precipitation
  • enspm(y, x) : Ensemble PM mean of precipitation
  • enslpm(y, x) : Ensemble LPM mean of precipitation
  • ensshfmean(nshfpass, y, x) : Spatially Aligned Mean (SAM) of precipitation
  • ensshflpm(nshfpass, y, x) : Spatially Aligned Mean with LPM method applied (SAM-LPM) of precipitation