
One can gauge their interest in the repository with this one minute GIF:

Example GIF


Recent Changes:


-DisplayTracker.cs (namespace: Luthetus.TextEditor.RazorLib.ViewModel). This tracks whether the ViewModel is currently rendered and is expected to be a great improvement to performance.


-Many code optimizations were made to allow for the IDE repository run better.


-Prefer Diagnostics over symbols for mouse hover tooltip (if they overlap). -Parser improvements. -Out of date Symbols are removed.

  • Example GIF


  • Semantic Explorer
  • Example GIF


  • Cross file go-to definition has been started.
  • Example GIF


  • .razor file go-to definition has been started.
  • Example GIF
  • Input file dialog
  • Example GIF


  • C# go-to definition has been started. More needs done here, for example cross file goto-definition logic.
  • Example GIF


  • Logic added for recognizing Razor attribute directives. Such as @onclick.
  • Logic to recognize variables. This logic is currently limited to the variable being declared inside the .razor file.
  • Use the C# Compiler Service in .razor files.
  • Example GIF


  • Parser improvements for "var contextual keyword"
  • Parser improvements for "variable symbol identification"
  • Example GIF
  • BackgroundTaskQueueSingleThreaded was added for the WASM host. This fixes a lot that broke when going from ServerSide to a WASM host. An example being, creation of new files.