
Python client for Firefox Send

Primary LanguagePython

Python client to https://send.firefox.com. Encrypts and decrypts on the fly to reduce memory usage.



pip install clint pycryptodome requests requests_toolbelt

Usage is really simple:

python ffsend.py 'https://send.firefox.com/download/abcdef0123/#keykeykey' # download a file to the current directory
python ffsend.py path/to/file # upload a file to Firefox Send

You can also set a download count limit during upload:

python ffsend.py --set-dlimit 20 path/to/file # upload a file to Firefox Send

As of writing (June 20, 2018), the maximum download limit is 20 on send.firefox.com.

Advanced usage

Several commands take a -t/--token parameter, which is the "Owner token" displayed after a successful upload. If you uploaded the file with your browser, the owner token will be in the browser's localStorage.

Getting file information

To get basic information:

python ffsend.py -i 'https://send.firefox.com/download/abcdef0123'

To get more information (including number of times downloaded):

python ffsend.py -i -t TOKEN 'https://send.firefox.com/download/abcdef0123'

Deleting a file

python ffsend.py --delete -t TOKEN 'https://send.firefox.com/download/abcdef0123'

Updating file settings

python ffsend.py --set-dlimit N -t TOKEN 'https://send.firefox.com/download/abcdef0123'


Code is copyright Robert Xiao (nneonneo@gmail.com), and is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.