
A mirror for lsedit by SWAG - University of Waterloo

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

LSEDIT - Landscape edit by SWAG, University of Waterloo

This is a non-official mirror of lsedit


We're contacting the SWAG team for more information about licensing of this source code.

Compile and Package

Run these code in project root folder

To compile

javac -g -classpath . lsedit/*.java

To package

jar cv lsedit\*.class > lsedit.jar


Java version: 13

Using vscode, go to Debug > Run without Debugging

This is the screenshot if it work correctly


Original readme.txt

aa   - External cluster algorithm
acdc - External cluster algorithm
bunchdoc - Documentation for bunch
clue     - LSEdit adaptor for bunch
cmdb     - Read CMDB directly into LSEdit
data     - Some play data
icons    - CMDB icons
lsedit   - Source for lsedit
search   - database search tool

cmdb.ini    - Configuration for cmdb visualiser
bunch.jar   - Bunch software
cmdb.jar    - Packaged cmdb java code
sqljdbc.jar - JDBC for MS Sql Server

cmdb.bat    - Run CMDB fact extraction and visualise
cmdb_jar.bat - Make cmdb.jar
compile_cmdb.bat - Compile cmdb java code
compile_lsedit.bat - Compile lsedit code
compile-search.bat - Compile search code

Other bat files.. sample demos.
