

Primary LanguageJava


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Official Site: https://huntertran.github.io/soen6441-riskgame/

1. Continue Development

1.1. Pack and run from console

To pack the project, simply run:

mvn package

a file called soen6441riskgame-[version]-SNAPSHOT.jar will be created in \target folder

To run the project (with or without commands and args)

# change directory to target folder, or the folder contain the compiled .jar file

cd target

# run the .jar file with java

java -jar .\soen6441riskgame-[version]-SNAPSHOT.jar [your_command] [your_args]

1.2. Generate the javadoc

The javadoc command require git submodules to be cloned

If you've already cloned the repo:

git submodule init
git submodule update


git clone --recursive https://github.com/huntertran/soen6441-riskgame.git


# go to the root directory of the project
mvn -f plugins/uml-java-doclet/pom.xml clean install
mvn javadoc:javadoc

The javadoc files will be generated at \docs\javadocs. When you commit the newly created files to github, they will be deployed to the project home page

2. Members

  • Van Tuan Tran
  • Bharti Saini

3. General description

The project is to be undertaken teams of 5 members and consists of the building of a challengingly large Java program.

The completion of the project is divided into three separate components:

  1. the First and Second Intermediate Project Delivery are intermediate operational build of the software, effectively demonstrating the full implementation of some important software features;

  2. the Final Project Delivery is the demonstration of the finalized version of your software. During the final project delivery, you also have to demonstrate that your code includes many of the Java features presented in the lectures, and that you effectively use the tools presented in the lectures in your project.

All project deliveries are to be undertaken in the laboratory where the team presents the implemented features to the instructor following a pre-circulated grading sheet. The individual assignments will also be related to the project, but graded individually and separately from the project.

It is important to realize that the project description is purposely incomplete, and that it is one of your duties in this project to:

  1. elicit and formulate all the missing details before you start the implementation,
  2. limit the scope of the project according to the time that is available,
  3. determine what design decisions will be made, as well as
  4. what tools will be used for the implementation. These activities require some investigations and discussions that are important aspects of software development and this project.

4. Game Rule

We using the game rule from hasbro

An offline version of the file is in grades/GameRule.pdf

5. Implementations

This part of the document briefly introduce the implementations of the project. For more detailed implementation, check out wiki section.

5.1. Design Pattern

The project using MVC Pattern, which is stand for Model-View-Controller

More about applying MVC in Java applications can be found here: MVC article on Codeproject

For a more details MVC pattern, please look in this part of wiki.

5.2. JDK version and tools

The original project use features of Java 8

The maintaining project using Java 13 with AdoptOpenJDK

Work best with Visual Studio Code / Eclipse