
This is a repository for my 100 days of code challenge .

I've joined the #100DaysOfCode Challenge


Log Summary

This is a summary of my activites log.

For full details of my progress, check the log file

Day Focus Day Focus
Day 0 29/10/23 Python: Test-Driven Development - The use of the doctest module Day 1 30/10/23 Python: Data Encapsulation - the use of access specifiers, getters and setters
Day 2 31/10/23 C lang.: Simple Calculator that performs basic operations. Day 3 01/11/23 C lang.: Hello World challenge, Hackerrank.
Day 4 02/11/23 C lang.: Playing with characters challenge, HackerRank Day 5 03/11/23 C lang.: Hash Tables: Creating, Inserting, Searching, Deleting. etc
Day 6 04/11/23 C lang.: The max function challenge, hackerRank - reading four arguments and returning the greatest Day 7 05/11/23 C lang.: Pointers challenge, hackerRank - implementing basic functionalities of pointers in C
Day 8 06/11/23 Python: Inheritance - How to implement single and multiple inheritance Day 9 07/11/23 Python: File Handling - Operating on a file, using JSON to work on a file
Day 10 08/11/23 C lang.: Conditionals and loops challenge(if loops), HackerRank Day 11 09/11/23 Python: Arguments, Positional and Keyword arguments, arbitrary arguments
Day 12 10/11/23 C lang.: Conditionals and loops challenge(for loops), HackerRank Day 13 11/11/23 C lang.: Conditonals and Loops- Sum of Digits of a Five Digit Number , C language, HackerRank
Day 14 12/11/23 C lang.: The length of the last work challenge, LeetCode Day 15 13/11/23 C lang.: Biwise Operators
Day 16 14/11/23 C lang.: Printing Patterns Using loops Day 17 15/11/23 C lang.: Arrays and strings, 1D array
Day 18 16/11/23 Python: Loops, Squares of Non-Negative Integers Challenge, HackerRank Day 19 17/11/23 Python: Functions, The Leap Year Checker Challenge, HackerRank
Day 20 18/11/23 Python: IF-ELSE, Number Classification Challenge, HackerRank Day 21 19/11/23 C lang.: Sorting Algorithm, Bubble Sort - big 0(n)
Day 22 20/11/23 C lang.: Sorting Algorithm, Insertion sort, Quick sort, Merge sort - big 0(n) Day 23 21/11/23 C lang.: The Big 0 Notation.
Day 24 22/11/23 Python.: The Print Function, HackerRank Challenge. Day 25 23/11/23 Bash Script.: Loops, conditions and operaators.
Day 26 24/11/23 Bash Script.: File test operators. Day 27 25/11/23 Python.: Subset Check Challenge, HackerRank.
Day 28 26/11/23 Bash Script.: Processes and Signals . Day 29 27/11/23 C lang, Bash && Python: Building a command line phonebook, implemented an interface
Day 30 28/11/23 C lang, Bash && Python: Building a command line phonebook, added the options interface Day 31 29/11/23 C language: Array Reversal Challenge, HackerRank
Day 32 30/11/23 C language: String Tokenization, Print Token, HackerRank Day 33 1/12/23 C language: , Digit Frequency, HackerRank
Day 34 2/12/23 Python: Basic Datatype, List comprehension, HackerRank Day 35 3/12/23 Python: Basic Datatype, Runner Up Score Finder, HackerRank
Day 36 4/12/23 Python: UUID and DateTime Modules, AirBnB project Day 37 5/12/23 Python: The cmd module, AirBnB project
Day 38 6/12/23 Python: AirBnB Clone Project- The Console Day 39 7/12/23 Python: AirBnB Clone Project- Show, Create, Update and Destroy
Day 40 8/12/23 Python: AirBnB Clone Project- Show, Subclass, serialization and deserialization Day 41 9/12/23 Python: AirBnB Clone Project- custom commands all instances, serialization and deserialization
Day 42 10/12/23 Python: AirBnB Clone Project- Writing a test for the program using the Unittest module, Python Day 43 11/12/23 C lang, Bash && Python: Command line phonebook, the options menu
Day 44 12/12/23 Python: Basic Datatypes, Nested Lists, Second Lowest Grade Finder Challenge, HackerRank Day 45 13/12/23 SQL: Introduction to SQL, Database Management System.
Day 46 14/12/23 SQL: More Queries Day 47 15/12/23 HTML && CSS: Learn to code HTML and CSS
Day 48 16/12/23 HTML && CSS: Learn to code more HTML, more CSS Day 49 17/12/23 HTML && CSS: Learn to code more HTML, more CSS
Day 50 18/12/23 HTML && CSS: AirBnB Clone - WebStatic. Day 51 19/12/23 SQL: Using the join operations in SQL, More Queries
Day 52 20/12/23 Python Finding the percentage, the student average calculator, HackerRank Day 53 21/12/23 Python The Swap Cases Challenge, HackerRank
Day 54 22/12/23 Python The string format and print function, HackerRank Day 55 23/12/23 Python && Ruby Refactoring of scripts
Day 56 24/12/23 BASH Make, Makefiles Day 57 25/12/23 Python String Validators, HackerRank
Day 58 26/12/23 Python, C && Bash Building a command line PhoneBook Day 59 27/12/23 Python The text alignment, hackerank logo challenge , python
Day 60 28/12/23 Web Infrastructure design - DNS, Web Server, Network basics, monitoring Day 61 29/12/23 Web Infrastructure design - Database, MySql, DBMS, Database Software
Day 62 30/12/23 Web Infrastructure design - Servers, Web Servers, Application servers, DNS record types Day 63 31/12/24 Python Alphabet Rangoli Challenge, HackerRank
Day 64 01/01/23 Web Infrastructure design - HTTPS/HTTP, SPOF, Firewalls Day 65 02/01/24 Python: Exceptions and Errrors
Day 66 03/01/24 Web Infrastructure design - The project Day 67 04/01/24 C lang: Binary Trees, Create, Insert at left & right, Display
Day 68 05/01/24 C lang: Postorder, Inorder, Preorder Traversal, Perfcet, Full , Complete Day 69 06/01/24 Python: AirBnB revised - CRUD, cmd module
Day 70 07/01/24 Python: AirBnB revised - uuid module, datetime module, json file as storage type Day 71 08/01/24 Python: AirBnB revised - packages && modules, BaseModel, JSON Serialization and Deserialization, CRUD,
Day 72 09/01/24 JavaScript: conditionals, Control flow and error handling, data structure, variables Day 73 10/01/24 JavaScript: Function, Constructers, Objects
Day 74 11/01/24 JavaScript: functions and scopes, data manipulation, moduels, arithmetric operators, manipulate objects Day 75 12/01/24 JavaScript: SQLAlchemy, declarative mapping, creating a schema, mapping classes creating sessions
Day 76 13/01/24 Python: Web frameworks, MVT, Projects vs Apps, environment variables Day 77 14/01/24 Python: Object Relational Mappers (ORM)
Day 78 15/01/24 Python: Object Relational Mappers, The MySQLdb Module, SQLAlchemy Day 79 16/01/24 Python && SQL: SQLAlchemy Documentation
Day 80 17/01/24 Python && SQL: Airbnb version 2 Project Day 81 18/01/24 Python && SQL: Airbnb version 2 Project
Day 82 19/01/24 Puppet: Configuration Management Day 83 20/01/24 Python: String Capitalization, Hackerrank
Day 84 21/01/24 Bash: Secure Shell Day 85 22/01/24 ****: Web Servers, Nginx, HTTP requests
Day 86 23/01/24 ****: HTTP requests Day 87 24/01/24 ****: Web Stack Debugging
Day 88 25/01/24 Python: Python Network , HTTP Day 89 26/01/24 Python: HTTP requests, URLlib
Day 90 27/01/24 Python: The list challenge , HackerRank Day 91 28/01/24 Python: Django
Day 92 29/01/24 Python: Load Balancer Day 93 30/01/24 Python: Python Network
Day 94 31/01/24 C lang: Number guessing game Day 95 01/02/24 Python: AirBnB clone - Deploy static, Introudction to Fabric, Nginx, CI/CD
Day 96 02/02/24 Python: AirBnB clone - Deploy static, HTTPS , SSL , Day 97 03/02/24 HTTPS , SSL ,
Day 98 04/02/24 Python: AirBnB clone - Deploy static, HTTPS Day 99 05/02/24 C lang: Search Algorithm
Day 100 06/03/24 Python: Django Assigment && Importation business Website


  • If you have any questions about 100DaysOfCode (or other ideas), feel free to reach out to me on Twitter: @hunterxcobby
  • If you like this repo and find it useful, please consider ★ starring it (on top right of the page) and forking it :)


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