
Tornado compatible xsrf token generation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

XSRF token library compatible with tornado

Basically reimplemented for node.js algorithm from tornado. Allows to interop between tornado and node.js services.


XSRF tokens in tornado cosist of 4 parts separated by pipe symbol |: version (this lib supports only version 2), bit mask, token itself (masked by, well, a mask) and timestamp: $version|$mask|$token|$timestamp, for example 2|c6f1fb92|756729199a209536ffcfab54893adf63|1686129179.

  • decodeToken(tokenStr: string): [number, Buffer, number] parses string token into parts: version, token and timestamp
  • makeToken(existingToken?: string): string creates or updates token. If existingToken is passed it will be updated with the new mask
  • compareTokens(token1: string, token2: string): boolean — parses and compares tokens