- 5
The Segmentation of val mIoU is not 74.21 --->77.10,which is using DIST KD method based on DeepLabV3-ResNet18
#8 opened by songyang86 - 2
Releasing object detection
#11 opened by MaryAhn - 1
关于MaskRCNN- FasterRCNN实验设置
#9 opened by luckin99 - 7
bad substitution报错
#10 opened by WeiCL7777 - 7
How to train with custom datasets ?
#7 opened by ManuBN786 - 2
How could I apply this KD method to other segmentation teacher/student models?
#5 opened by SophiaMonster - 4
After the 3rd epoch it breaks down
#6 opened by ManuBN786 - 2
- 2
- 5
- 4
About student checkpoint
#1 opened by notou10