
Run PS Scripts using ASP.NET Core - Much faster than CGI!

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



This ASP.NET Core "Shim" provides a fast, responsive way to serve a PowerShell based MVC website. If you are looking for a dead-simple way to execute and serve individual .ps1 scripts in IIS and do not care about speed, please check out my PWSHCGI7 project on GitHub


  • Ensure the .Net Core hosting package is installed in IIS
  • Publish this project to a folder
  • Point IIS to that folder when making a new site
  • Change the Application Pool to Unmanaged

Variables exposed to PowerShell

Read-Only Variables

  • $_GET - use like PHP $variable = $_GET['somevariable']
  • $_POST - use like PHP $variable = $_POST['somevariable']
  • $_COOKIE - use like PHP $variable = $_COOKIE['somevariable']
  • $_JSONDATA - Raw POST data unparsed if request content-type = application/json
  • $_RAWPOSTDATASTREAM - used to access the RAW stream of context.Request.Body (File Uploads / etc)
  • $_REQUEST_METHOD - Will equal something like GET or POST
  • $_REQUEST_PATH - Will contain the request path (e.g. / , /home , /api/something)

Writable Variables

  • $_HEADERS - This is a dictionary for headers. Call $_.HEADERS.add("Key","Value")
  • $_STATUSCODE - This is an INT for the HTTP Response Status Code (e.g. 200 / 404)


All web requests get routed to a file called controller.ps1 under the PwshWeb directory. This framework forces you to adhere to an MVC model. An example of how a controller would work is below:

using module ".\modules\Get-ParsedPSHTML"

$templateDir = $PSScriptRoot + "\views\"
$modelDir = $PSScriptRoot + "\models\"
$template = [PSCustomObject]@{
    htmlTemplateFile = "default_layout.html"
    modelScript      = ""

switch -Regex ($_REQUEST_PATH) {
    "^\/$" { 
        $template.modelScript = "home.ps1"
    "^\/unauthorized$" { 
        $template.htmlTemplateFile = "401.html"
        $template.modelScript = "api\authenticate.ps1"
        $template.htmlTemplateFile = ""
        $_HEADERS.add("Content-Type", "application/json")
    Default { 
        $template.htmlTemplateFile = "404.html"
        $template.headers.add("Status", "404 Not Found")
        $_HEADERS.add("Status", "404 Not Found")
        $Global:_STATUSCODE = 404 #Global isn't required but VSCode complains otherwise

if ($template.modelScript -ne "") {
    Invoke-Expression $(Get-Content -Raw -Path ($modelDir + $template.modelScript))

if ($template.htmlTemplateFile -ne "") { 
    $response = `
    $(Get-ParsedPSHTML -inputHTML $(Get-Content -Raw -Path ($templateDir + $template.htmlTemplateFile)))
else {
    $response = `

return $response #return response to ASP.NET Core shim for delivery back to IIS

Static Content (.js / .css / etc)

Put static content that should be available without authentication in the public directory under PwshWeb

Dynamically Serving Files / Binary Data


Provides a method to serve binary data using authentication / other logic.

Method 1 (preferred)

Set PWSH variable $_BINARYRESPONSE to a Byte-Array value ([byte[]])


# controller.ps1

$_HEADERS.Add("Content-type", "image/png")
$_BINARYRESPONSE = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\somepath\image.png")

Method 2 (slow)

Return a byte array directly to the pipeline

Due to how the PWSH SDK works, the output of arrays is returned one at a time to the pipeline. This results in a very large PSDataCollection<PSObject> collection containing individual Byte objects that need to be added to a List<byte> in a foreach loop and then returned by ASP.Net Core.

It is for this reason that this method should only be used for small byte arrays.


# controller.ps1

$_HEADERS.Add("Content-type", "image/png")
return [byte[]][System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\somepath\image.png")

Debugging Powershell Scripts

Set Environment Variable DEBUG to TRUE for PWSH Error Output on your web pages.

Example in IIS web.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
        <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
      <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\AspnetCorePWSH.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess">
          <environmentVariable name="DEBUG" value="TRUE" />