Infoblox CSP AD Sync Script


Infoblox CSP (used for BloxOne Threat Defense, etc.) does not have a native way to schedule the synchronization of AD groups. This is a problem as user group memberships change and/or users are added/removed from the AD domain as group-based policies in CSP will no longer be accurate. To remedy this, these scripts were created.

How to use

Obtaining the Service ID of the Infoblox 'msad' Service

To obtain the Service ID of the Infoblox 'msad' service, run the following script:

$ServiceID = .\CSP_Get_Detailed_Service_Info.ps1 -ApiKey <API Key> `
    | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ServiceID

Obtaining the LDAP Profile ID from Infoblox

To obtain the LDAP Profile ID from Infoblox, run the following script:

$ProfileID = .\CSP_Get_LDAP_Profiles.ps1 -ApiKey <API_KEY> `
    | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProfileID

Synchronizing AD Groups

To synchronize AD groups, run the following script:

$ADGroups = .\CSP_AD_Sync.ps1 -ApiKey <API_KEY> `
    -ProfileID $ProfileID `
    -ServiceID $ServiceID `
    -Credential (Get-Credential)`

Automating the process

To automate the execution of this script, consider one of the following solutions:

  • Windows Task Scheduler
  • Jenkins Automation Server
  • PowerShell Universal (Ironman Software)
  • Long-running PowerShell script with a service manager such as NSSM

Note You should store the credential (and API key) securely either with the Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement module or in a secure CLIXML file only readable by the service account that created it.