My basic information
- Name: DONG Xinyue (Felicity)
- Age: 18
- Gender: Female
- Year of school: Year 1
- Department: School of communication
- Interest in my spare time: film 😆 , fictions and music . (welcome to discuss and share. 😜 )
My personality
In general, I am an easy-going and out-going person.I am willing to start conversation and discussion with people around me.
Also, I attach great importance to responsibility and hard-work, which can be reflected on my punctuality and devotion to my study. I do know that I am not the so-called talented ones
, but I believe hard-working matters more.
I am curious about anything as long as it’s new to me, which motivates me to try and learn. Maybe this quote is too old and boring, however, it do works:
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
My expectation on this course
I know the importance of DATA and this new way of delivering messages and news to sudiences. And this is my first couse that involves DATA and story-telling. I want to learn the essential skills and form the habit of thinking of DATA, which can help me with my major courses in the following years of school.
Interested topics:
- mobile usage (using time or the purpose of using it.)
- environmental issues
- the time for TV updata cycle
To have a better learning experience, I expect your help.:grin: :heart: